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Normally I would say “So what?”


From Politico:


President-elect Barack Obama has yet to attend church services since winning the White House earlier this month, a departure from the example of his two immediate predecessors.

On the three Sundays since his election, Obama has instead used his free time to get in workouts at a Chicago gym.

The usual suspects are in full knickers-twist mode:

OMG, OMG, OMG — it must be because he and Michelle are too busy making “Whitey” tapes or something!

Although, apparently Martin does have the keen eye of a stalker

Except nobody said that, nor did anyone stalk the presumptive President-elect.  This is what life in the spotlight is like for the occupants of the White House, so Obamanation better get used to it.  When GOP politicians do things that are inconsistent with their carefully cultivated public images, it’s news.  Just ask Larry Craig.  So it’s only fair when the media does the same thing to Democrats.

Now I don’t really care if Barack Obama attends a church, temple, mosque or gym every weekend.  But he’s the one who made a big deal over his religious faith.  From Flopping Aces:

This is the same guy who never missed a service at Rev. Wright’s church (”God damn America, U.S. of K.K.K.A”) for 20 years but can’t recall one sermon. I guess he no longer needs the political and social connections that church provided.

It’s the hypocrisy, stupid!


38 Responses


    Ooooohhhhh, the hypocrisy!

    Of course, no one ever questioned how many times Bush went to church. But then, Bush was a Republican.

    Did the Cheetos really think the media honeymoon would last forever?

  2. oops, i just posted one too … i’ll go pull it for later

  3. As long he separates himself from all the “whitey hate” that Pfleger, Farrakhan, and Wright espouse as “religion” he can go to the gym forever as far as I am concerned.

  4. PJ – LOL!

    Maybe there isn’t a church of God D*mn America in Washington.


  5. I will never be a Democrat again. I feel like an idiot for supporting these jackasses my entire life.

  6. Kat – I scheduled a post for 1:00 today. Just so you know….

  7. ooo, Kat – I got a peek at your next post and it’s delicious! “We are a gang for justice”
    Sampat Pal Devi
    PUMA sisters alright! 🙂

  8. If articles like this are gonna make the Obamanationals freak-out, what are they gonna do if (when) the media turns on him?

  9. BTW – I apparently have an imposter using my name.

    If you don’t see Captain Spaulding’s seal of approval next to my comment, It ain’t me.

  10. Mass suicide? A return of the Boat People heading out to sea? Intense therapy? Exploding heads?

    Whatever. It could not happen to a more deserving group than the Obots.

  11. I avert my eyes from the end of your comments for good reason.

  12. myiq – If you are being namestolen, that means you have arrived!

    I always wonder, if we are really so insignificant (as the Obots always claim) then why do they bother?

    Heh heh heh.

  13. yeah, joanelle … that entire thing just put a big ol smile on my face ..

  14. My question is, will Obama spend more time working out than Bush did? We already know how much Barack needs vacations–also just like Bush.

  15. madamab:

    I have blogstalkers too.

    myiq2xu says

  16. Good question, Madam – we’ve had over 4,300,000 hit at this site – somebody’s doing something right – but we are insignificant – 🙂

  17. Uh, oh, better be careful…remarking on the fact that the Blessed one works out instead of going to church is probably going to be construed as r*cist.

  18. Myiq I can’t imagine that anyone would expect us to accept anything but the best! 😉

  19. Myiq – Wow! That’s a stunning level of persistence.

    I thought I was the only one who had people stalking my COMMENTS, not just my posts. LOL. Don’t these people have lives?

  20. I have to get going. Later, Conflucians!

    Kat’s post is back up.


  21. Maybe Obama is visiting his secret friend Michael Signator who lives in the building where his gym is located.

  22. Jeepers, why should he go worship someone else – when people should be coming to worship him….

    Whoops, that was bad and wrong of me to say that wasn’t it?

  23. Morning back at ya Pat. They may have tried to stifle us but I would say they failed. At least in the case of thee and me.

    Attempted Stifling is bad. Allowing yourself to be stifled and refusing to use that information processor located between your ears is worse IMHO.

  24. “afrocity, on November 24th, 2008 at 11:14 am Said:
    I will never be a Democrat again. I feel like an idiot for supporting these jackasses my entire life.”

    My feelings exactly. Lots of feelings of anger and betrayal too. Everyone in my household applauds when I turn the channel when “30 Rock” comes on, and we used to always watch it. I am so disgusted by the rampant misogyny that has surfaced in the media and around the country.

  25. “The Office of the President Elect”??? Has any other president-elect advertised such an office? His arrogance has no limits.

  26. Thank God on that presser thing he was doing the “office of Prez-elect” was covered by the B R E A K I N G N E W S!! banner.

    C’mon Barry…we all know who you are, don’t you? Is that a reminder to yourself?

  27. Well just removed Shakesville from my links.

    If this is what gets them twisting, someone please appoint some more Clintonista folks to Obie’s cabinet so they can have a real hissy-fit!

  28. It’s the hypocrisy, stupid!

    That’s what’s bugged me about this guy all along. He’s a charlatan, a complete political opportunist. Another apt description: he’s a snake oil salesman. When did he say to an advisor, “Just tell me what you want me to say and I’ll sell it?”

    Apparently, today he rolled out his centrist right (lol “progressives”!) economic team and offered NO specifics, as usual. He’s just the pitch man. Hillary had her OWN ideas, and worked with advisors to expand on those. Obama is just an empty vessel, propped up as the affirmative action figurehead to make his “really cool speeches.” Transformative indeed. Oh, and he’s also reneging on his promise to speed up the renunciation of the Bush tax cuts, because “conditions have changed.” I guess it’s more of that brilliant nuance again.

  29. The O team only knows how to use such tools as Powerpoint & Photoshop. Talking points and fake imagery and hoarding money are their mainstay. These are the kind of people who always want to “do meetings and presentations” but never intend to “do any real work”. That’s boring and tedious and someone might actually figure out they know nothing.

  30. I totally agree — the hypocrisy has bigged me all along, the fact that he knows nothing and gives no information AND the fact that he’s been given a free ride since day one. No one questions him on specifics. No one has ever done so. He just stands there and people say “obama will do this” and “obama believes that” and I wonder how in the fuck they know what he would do or what he believes because he has never said so.

  31. oops. I mean “bugged” not “bigged”.

  32. I’d rather go to the gym too.

  33. Yes, Larry Craig having gay sex in an airport bathroom is exactly the same thing as Obama missing church for three weeks. Craig was engaging in illegal conduct that harmed his marriage and went against his stated beliefs, while that dastardly Obama… might have been praying at home.

  34. This is the first time I’ve heard this story – delicious! I have always deeply believed that if the Rev Wright circus had been discovered even as little as 3 months prior to March, Hillary would have won!

    I remeber when Hillary slaughted Obama in WV by 40 points then KY by 30, the exit polling data was stunning. Remeber how many people said they believed Obama shared the beliefs of Rev Wright!

    If Rev Wright had been Hillary’s preacher should would have been toast. Game Over. But, not for our beloved Messiah. He goes out in Philly to give his explanation and the speech was deemed as one of the greatest speeches on race since Dr. King.

    Well, I hope out of this experience he is forced, and I mean forced to sit in a church every Sunday while he’s in office. And trust me, it’s not going to be a colorful church like Trinity United. It will probably be some boring white baptist church! Ha, Ha, Ha!

  35. Speaking of “Obama will do” and “Obama will make right” many of his gays supporters, who are still drinkingthe kool-aid are shocked he reneged on “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” Didn’t they remember his “gospel tour” and his silence on the use of his voice in robocalls for Prop. 8. Yet everytime he betrays the LGBT community somebody loudly says, “Obama will make things right when he’s president.”

  36. […] Normally I would say “So what?” (by myiq2xu at The Confluence) From Politico: “OBAMA SKIPS CHURCH, HEADS TO GYM”… Now I don’t really care if Barack Obama attends a church, temple, mosque or gym every weekend.  But he’s the one who made a big deal over his religious faith… It’s the hypocrisy, stupid! He doesn’t need the South Side black churches any more.  He’s made it.  He can forget them. […]

  37. […] Normally I would say “So what?” (by myiq2xu at The Confluence)From Politico: “OBAMA SKIPS CHURCH, HEADS TO GYM”… Now I don’t really care if Barack Obama attends a church, temple, mosque or gym every weekend. But he’s the one who made a big deal over his religious faith… It’s the hypocrisy, stupid!He doesn’t need the South Side black churches any more. He’s made it. He can forget them.—Caro […]

  38. I used to be a liberal, but ever since a black man became President I’m outraged by pastors who preach about civil rights.

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