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Ok, stop digging (or *keep* digging)

Rush just can’t help himself.  He’s on today, flinging poo again at Sandra Fluke, saying misleading statements and still implying that her level of sexual activity is economically unsustainable and she wants a bailout from other people.

At the same time, he is trying to sound contrite, no doubt because his loss of sponsors is taking a bite out of his big, fat ass.  And you know, it does sound like there’s real regret in his voice- for himself.  It would be so nice if we could hear even less of Rush, so keep it up, Rush.  No one with a brain is buying these non-apology apologies.

But as to this “War on Women”, both parties are in on it.  The Republicans whip their base into soft white peaks while the Democrats cynically try to take advantage of the outrage on the left, hoping that all the women will come flocking to them for protection.  They don’t have to actually do anything.  I don’t know which party is worse.  Neither one takes women’s interests seriously.

If there was ever a time for women to get what they wanted, it would be now.  If the “left” wants our votes, they need to prove it – before the election.  Otherwise, it’s a game to them.  They think we’re just a bunch of stupid girls.

What goes around comes around.  The Democrats have a lot of atoning to do before any woman in her right mind should take them seriously.


One other thing: A lot of people are telling me that I wouldn’t be happy with Obama no matter what he did.  Actually, that’s not quite accurate.  I *expect* him to do the best job that he possibly can given that he wanted this job so damn badly.  However, I saw no evidence that he was taking his future responsibilities seriously before the election and I see no evidence now that he’s learned much.  If I were a teacher I might have written, “Barack fails to live up to his potential”.  If I were a shrink, I’d question whether he really wants to be president.  If I were a person with half a brain, I might observe that he is adopting all of the characteristics of the bonus class that he serves and who funds him.  I think Americans deserve better than this from our president.

But one thing you can’t say is that I haven’t been consistent.  I didn’t think he was ready to be president because he didn’t have enough experience (check!), his slash and burn tactics during the 2008 election had a disenfranchising effect on the Democratic base and would wind up undermining the foundations of the party (check!) and he consistently used misogyny and sexism throughout the campaign and no one was held accountable for it (check!).  Bottom line: no good ever comes of a bad seed.  (check!, check!, check!)

That’s not hatred.  That’s disgust and disappointment. If you expect nothing, you get nothing.

10 Responses

  1. Many of the women in this country don’t seem to mind forgoing their rights in the interest of a personality cult. The difference is that when men swoon, women are exploited…When women swoon, women are exploited….Ooops, I guess there isn’t much of a difference in the outcome, is there ;-).

  2. Folks, just as a reminder: Telling people they’d hate Obama no matter what he does; accusing them of racism when they point out his flaws, and blahblahblah, is indulging in ad hominem fallacies. Things like that would get you laughed off a junior high debating team.

    Pointing out the ways Barry sucks on civil liberties and reproductive rights; saying exactly how he’s pushing through an obviously corrupt Wall Street-backed mortgage settlement just in time for the election–THOSE are arguments. Counter them WITH ACTUAL ARGUMENTS or STFU.

    Dog, it’s gonna be a long campaign season.

    • How long the campaign season lasts will depend on the marching orders the print and broadcast media people get. Will Chris Matthews get that old familiar tingle for Obama or Mittens?

  3. So, by implication of your statements, RD, you are disgusted with the policies of Obama but then you would rather have him win and hope that he will change his ways during his 2nd term? Maybe you have been deluded by his hope and change message, then.

    • You might have been reading someone else’s message. That’s not RD’s position at all. She wants Obama defeated, even though that means a Republican getting elected. She recommends voting third party, and will do so herself.

    • Thanks, bemused. Actually, I don’t want either party’s current candidates to win in November. If the lineup of the Democrats Changes, I might reconsider. I am planning to vote third party at the moment. At this point, I don’t think the two parties are capable of carrying out true governance. One is barshit crazy and the other is craven and feckless.
      Better to bag the whole thing and start over.

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