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WHO coordinated the raids?

Occupiers during the Zuccotti Park raid

One data point is just data.  Two points are a trend.  Three points are a correlation.

Denver, Portland, Oakland, New York.

And we musn’t forget Chapel Hill, North Carolina.  For years, an abandoned car dealership was a blight on the town’s business environment but no one did anything about it.  Then, the Occupy Movement stepped in and occupied the building and, voile!  Last Sunday, the cops moved in and arrested the occupiers for squatting.  Township authorities cleared their agendas and focused on solving the suddenly most important issue before them – condemning the building.

Why the rush?

On Monday, when Mayor of Oakland, CA, Jean Quan’s legal council quit, he said something cryptic about supporting Occupy Oakland and not the 1%.  That was interesting.  And then the deputy mayor quit too.  Then we find out that Quan was one of 18 mayors nationwide  on a conference call sometime in the past week where allegedly they planned to break up the occupy protests.

There are three possibilities for who coordinated the raids:

1.) The mayors were all good golfing buddies, got together over a few beers and decided all on their own to rid themselves of these meddlesome protestors.

2.) The 1% organized an online Mayor’s Retreat where participants offered charitable donations to the cities who took a more proactive approach to cleaning up their parks.  Does Oakland need to buy some property for a new school?  Does Chapel Hill find itself short on funds for their downtown business zone Renaissance project?  It wasn’t a coordinated effort to shut down the Occupy Movement.  It was simply a way for the 1% to give back to these communities and pair up interested benefactors with cities that have been stretching their tax dollars as far as they could go and were still falling short of their obligations.  Call it Noblesse Oblige.

3.) One (or both) of the political parties was involved in cleaning up the Occupy Movement.  It could have been either party because both take wads of cash from the 1% and have an interest in keeping their finance industry masters happy.  But there’s only one party in charge of the executive branch departments that might prove useful to coordinating the clean up.  But that’s just a conspiracy theory and you will never find the fingerprints of anyone in particular on the documents.  But I would love to know who set up that conference call.  And isn’t it conveeeenient that it all went down right after that off year election where so many politicians were forced to give lip service to the “huddled masses yearning to breathe free”.  Maybe it was the Republicans.  They haven’t chosen a nominee yet and maybe they don’t want to be put on the spot, having to scrunch up their faces and make little strangled choking noises about how the Occupiers are speaking for some terribly misguided but well-meaning people who should be working.  But if that were the case, how did they manage to get Democratic mayors like Jean Quan and Portland Mayor Sam Adams (with a name like that, he really should be an occupier) to go along with it?

So, here we see clear evidence of a coordinated effort but we don’t know what motivated the mayors to terminate the occupations.  The timing is suspicious.  There is no doubt now that there was a conference call.  And the resignation of Dan Siegal in Oakland suggests that the 1% are involved, whether by itself or through some political/electoral coordinating committee.

I want to know WHO did it.

Who decided to get together and terminate the peaceful assemblies of these occupiers to protest and speak?  Who decided to use the excuse of “cleaning” (or, more accurately, “cleansing”) the parks?  Who put together the trigger words that they all used about health and safety and danger and crime?  Who has associated those words with a group of people who are protesting social inequality brought on by the unchecked and reckless behavior of the 1%?  And while we’re at it, if the cities were so concerned with sanitation and hygiene, why did they make it so difficult to get porta potties at the sites?  And why do they permit vampire romance addled teenagers to camp out in a parking lot in front of a theater for 5 days for tickets to a silly movie without subjecting them to pepperspray, batons and arrests for unlawful, unpermitted assemblies?

And what is the meaning of an unpermitted assembly?  The very idea violates the spirit of the first amendment that says that citizens have the right to assemble and speak.  If you have to ask for a permit to do this, isn’t that the same as saying you don’t really have this right because someone else has the power to deny you the permit?  I am not a lawyer but it seems to me that the Constitution was written broadly enough that powerful people have been able to argue that just about any truncation of your rights are permissable because the Constitution didn’t explicitly say “no”.  Why is it that movements like Occupy Wall Street are routinely shut down?  Why is it that so many grassroot movements such as the Occupy movement fail to take root because they can’t get permits?

Anyway, I want answers.  I want mayors who have been “forced” to cooperate for fear that their local and state parties might lose campaign funds to come forth and tell us the truth.  It won’t go well for them if they don’t tell the public the truth and the truth comes out anyway. Now that the press have had their own rights violated and reporters roughed up, they have an interest in finding this out for themselves.   The timing was really, really bad from a PR standpoint.  It came way too soon after an election.  And now a whole year stretches before us so that those of us who have questions and demand answers can keep this issue going.

The coordinators didn’t end the movement.  No, the idiots focussed the concentration of the nation with laser like intensity on the Occupiers now.  The way these raids were carried out, complete with jack booted thugs and helicopters in the middle of the night, is enough to make even the most whacked out 2nd amendment nutcase sympathetic and make the most liberal minded crunchy granola type think that owning a gun to defend yourself against governmental overreach isn’t such a bad idea.  So, whoever it was who planned this hamhanded operation should be congratulated for finally finding common ground between the two extremist ends of the parties.

Concern in Chapel Hill after Sunday's raid

If I were to hazard a guess, I’d go with Rahm Emmanuel’s syndicate.  Yep, he’s got the whole mayor thing going, he’s in Chicago, which has a reputation, he’s familiar with how to use the 1%’s money to gain political influence in an election year and he’s not into subtlety.  There’s just enough distance between him and the 1% and the Obama campaign and just enough irritation from the merry pranksters of Occupy Chicago that it would make it look entirely reasonable for him to want to squelch them and help his fellow mayors squelch them.

That’s my hypothesis.  What kind of data to we need to make a correlation?

31 Responses

  1. My guess is they were getting complaints from the people who live near, work near, own businesses near, etc. I’m sure a week or two – hey, it’s all good. A month or two? Not so much. It would seem that there have been compromises offered in a few instances…stay and protest, but go home at night. I don’t see anything unreasonable about that.

    • “I don’t see anything unreasonable about that.” That is exactly the point of OWS: The 99% has been reasonable for too long and what we got for our trouble is the 1% becoming more and more unreasonable with their thievery. We’re at a point in history where unreasonableness must be met with unreasonableness to get the attention of the 1%.

      Also if you’re going home at night, then you’re, by definition, not occupying. I think when Occupy stages an event such as Occupy Times Square or anything that is done outside of Zuccotti and legions of supporters show up, those supporters should go home or to Zuccotti after the event ends. I think when there are thousands upon thousand of people in the street at one time, public safety is a legitimate concern for the police especially if those people are just milling about trying to figure out what to do next. But in a park the size of Zuccotti, not so much. Central Park it ain’t or even Prospect Park. I always thought the whole public safety thing at Zuccotti was a joke.

      Anyway, for me the issue now is what’s next for the movement? In another 2 weeks or so, it could be really cold down there. Zuccotti is at the tip of lower Manhattan and is close to both the East River and the Hudson River. Sleeping there without a tent or sleeping bag ain’t gonna be no picnic.

    • Dan Siegel who was legal advisor to Quan said that the people who were complaining loudest were not the residents. It was the chamber of commerce.
      Also, Quan wanted to work with the occupiers but they didn’t want to. I guess the trust was gone after the first crackdown. It’s really hard to get cooperation out of people after they’ve been attacked with teargas and riot gear.
      BTW, have you been to Zuccotti Park? I’m not saying that the drum circles weren’t annoying, because they were. But it’s not exactly the most residential district in Manhattan. It’s only about a block away from Wall Street and it’s very commercial. The city is noisy anyway. It’s hard to believe that activists were adding significantly to that unless there was a rally, which usually happen in the middle of the day.
      Finally, if you need to get people’s attention, you need to stay there for as long as it takes to get their attention. In the future, I would recommend that the people who are inconvenienced turn to the 1% to complain, not the legal authorities. Cracking down on protest only forces it underground and makes it more unpredictable and possibly violent.
      So the whiners didn’t do themselves any favors. The occupation will continue and now it has spread to lots of delightful infiltrations.

    • That’s the most reasonable answer to me. There are pictures from a couple of locations where DHS were making arrests during earlier cleansing operations.

    • Digby posted about this yesterday. I just read about it over there.

    • I have no doubt in my mind that it was coordinated by Obama. He has the most to lose, since signs were in sight that its the hypocrisy of both parties that is the problem. He needs to maintain the visage of supporting the protests, but the longer this carries on, the more vocal against Obama the protesters are becoming. Plus, who else has the real authority to do such a thing that involves many states?

  2. Obama – what can I say except, ‘He is the most worthless, spineless human being (and that’s being kind) to ever occupy the WH.”


  3. How about if they OccupyCentralPark? They could not be evicted there because it is a public park, they have ample room for expansion if the movement gains traction, there are always a lot of people (from here and other countries) that are milling about and it is centrally located in NY..

    just my 2 cents worth of observation..

    • They can be evicted even from a public park if the issue of “safety” is raised and/or if the city has any rules for park use. We are battling this here in Tucson – and every night our occupiers are being arrested/cited – we’re up to 650 in 30 days.

      Here’s the link to a new Naomi Wolf article that addresses the issue. http://ideas.time.com/2011/11/16/the-straw-man-comes-to-zuccotti-park/?iid=tl-main-mostpop2

    • BTY – I maintain that Zuccotti Park is a public park. Brookfield Mgt. agreed to create and maintain this park IN EXCHANGE for a waiver to build taller buildings in downtown NYC. In point of fact, that waiver was granted in the people’s name and this park is a public space – the only “right” that Brookfield Mgt. should have is the right to keep it clean.

    • That idea was floated at the GA I attended in October. They must have gotten some kind of warning to not attempt it.
      Tomorrow will be a big day. I plan to be there.

  4. I just e-mailed the National Lawyers Guild (the group assisting the Occupation Movement) and asked i) does the fact that mayors acted in concert all across the US to “evict” the Occupiers increase the substantive argument that American’s Free Speech Rights are being denied; and ii) it seems that a federal agency “consulted/advised” the Mayors Gang of 18….that seems to me to have raised this suppression to a federal level.

  5. Yesterday, legal proceedings were begun again to evict Occupy St Paul’s Cathedral and Swiss police cleared out Occupy Zurich.

    The 1% have a long reach.

  6. Where Is the Money for These Raids on Occupations Coming From?

    Watching the massive late night raids on the occupations at places like Oakland and New York City I’m left thinking, who is paying for all this?
    I find it strange that all over the country several large cities simultaneously decided now is the moment to waste a huge amount of their limited budgets on expensive late night raids that require overwhelming police presence.

    I don’t have the answer to the question yet, but I have my suspicions. I think the American people deserve to know exactly who is footing the bill for what appear to be nation-wide coordinated attacks on the occupy movement.

    Good question which goes nicely with this post.

  7. Note that the Ottawa and Toronto are also being invaded by the police. International involvement strongly suggests Federal involvement.

    • Federal involvement is near a certainty at this point.

    • Actually, I would happily chalk that up to envy by Harper. Just the hint that the Americans got to coordinate a crackdown would make him want to do one, because he really likes his security “strong man” vibe.

  8. No, the idiots focussed the concentration of the nation with laser like intensity on the Occupiers now.

    From way out here in the boondocks, that’s what I see. The camps closed with a bang, not a whimper. Now OWS has a fine excuse to give up the camping before the snow freezes them out. And the whole world is wondering what they’ll do next.

    Mini-Flash-Mobs? Occupy Chase Elevators?

    It seems like such a dumb move by the authorities, that I’m tempted to claim the crackdown was part of a conspiracy….

  9. […] WHO coordinated the raids? riverdaughter (hat tip Lambert Strether) […]

  10. i understand london occupiers were raided at the same time…that leads me to believe it was orchestrated by the same international banksters who have just finished replacing the governments of greece & italy with non-elected technocrats…

    elsewhere, they select so the people can pretend to elect…

  11. When the egomaniac lying SOB Bloomberg declares that “this was solely my decision” you can take this as an admission that it came from elsewhere. DHS? International Bankers Guild? Dunno. Something larger that has Bloomberg as a member. I found it interesting that this time he didn’t hesitate to mention Brookfield Mgt in his motivation – even after the girlfriend connection has been publicly revealed. Which strengthens the case for hiding something else. And a Mayoral conference call isn’t “it”.

  12. […] at Portland ‘Occupy’ arrests-Minneapolis Examiner Police State Tactics – CounterPunch WHO coordinated the raids? – riverdaughter Occupy Wall Street plans march on two-month mark – BBC News The Villain […]

  13. […] the raids on the Occupy sites in several cities.   An interesting take on that can be found here. LD_AddCustomAttr("AdOpt", "1"); LD_AddCustomAttr("Origin", "other"); […]

  14. “Now that the press have had their own rights violated and reporters roughed up, they have an interest in finding this out for themselves. ” I think the owners and publishers and senior editors know exactly who ordered this and aren’t going to say a word because it’s the people they work for. The U.S. media is controlled by about half a dozen entities that interact/cooperate with each other and have identical interests.

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