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His name is Clayton Bigsby

Ooooh, a scary white racist with guns!  Wanna meet him?

Make the jump:

My sources say his name is Clayton Bigsby.

(h/t Violet Socks)

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63 Responses

  1. i-d-i-o-t-s.

  2. MSNBC is Mostly Shit N Biased Coverage

  3. I’m sure they could have taken a little more time and found a white guy with guns to highlight if they weren’t so sure their audience is made up of kool-aid soaked suckers.

  4. btw, Contessa Brewer has my vote for WORST CABLE NEWS PERSONALITY IN THE WORLLLLLLD!!

  5. The story is disturbing enough, they have to go make stuff up.

    • Was this entire gun toting episode staged?

      • I dunno. At any rate, I wish Secret Service could do something to prevent this. It’s very creepy, staged or not.

      • no you have to understand that this is arizona,our brillant state lawmakers just expanded the open carry law to include bars and restaurants,i kid you not.its very common to see people at the supermarket with a pistol on their belt,i call it the wyatt earp syndrome,the state i think still beleives its the 1880’s.

        • I hope that they have some sort of a training requirement. I can see it turning into downtown Baghdad real quick.

          • nope ,no special license required.its always been this way guys .you have to remember thid the wild west.

          • Old time sheriffs like Wild Bill Hickok used to demand city ordinances forbidding people from carrying guns in town.

            A bunch of drunk young men with guns is trouble waiting to happen.

          • unfortunately we dont have a good clown as a sherrif ,were stuck with blowhard tent city the toughest sherriff in the west sherriff joe

  6. “Hate groups rising up” “try to murder him” “anger and racism, put those two together”.

    WOW were they spinning.

  7. OT BTW I woke up this morning to Hillary being front pager on the morning news!

    Out she came , looking beautiful in an orange pants suit , beaming all over her face, and accompanied by another lady who was smiling too. It was the announcement of the UBS agreement over releasing the names of big time American tax evaders.

    She was looking so good I’ve been trying to find the video on the tubz but couln’t find it.

  8. Just about to squeeze the last drop of legitimacy from racism complaints…
    Meanwhile, move over ladies, Obama is reassuring fundies your abortions won’t be paid by government money

    Obama:Praise the Lord, we don’t fund abortions!

    • Praaaaaiiiis Jeebus.

      I’m still bracing for him to fulfill his campaign promise of further restricting abortion laws to make abortions harder to get. I hope that will be yet another promise he breaks, but I’m worried that one won’t.

      • Speaking of “praaaaiiising Jeebus,” I’ve been reading about Obama’s “faith call” to all the church leaders to speak on behalf of his health reform .

        He claims there are people out there “bearing false witness” by telling lies about his reform, implying HE cares about the little people, and those blocking him are evil sinners.

        Race card. Faith card. Whatever card works.

        But it ain’t Obama caring about the “little people,” that’s for sure.

        Isn’t he bearing false witness by saying so?

        • Anyone opposed to anything Obama does is a raycist, nazi, violent, bitter, ignorant un-American, and now we can add “and they don’t love the Baby Jesus” to the list.

          • Amazing, isn’t it? I guess he includes supporters of the public option or Medicare-For-All, too.

            Frikkin creep.

  9. […] Except the gun toter is black. And his name is Clayton Bixby (The Confluence). […]

  10. Barack, listen to your Secretary of State:

    We happen to think that family planning is an important part of women’s health, and reproductive health includes access to abortion that I believe should be safe, legal, and rare. I’ve spent a lot of my time trying to bring down the rate of abortions. and it has been my experience that good family planning and good medical care brings down the rate of abortion. Keeping women and men in ignorance and denied the access to services actually increases the rate of abortion.

    • (in the voice of Steve Irwin) Hey, a politician with a brain. It’s a very rare thing. We should track her and study her in her natural habitat. Notice how most politicians being very mentally deficient either follow her or run from her in fear. Very interesting.

  11. look: an Obama broken promise actually makes page one!

    Tabloid reports the news

  12. Too early for this nauseating zombie quote? At least he gets it right about Congress, but notice how it’s NEVER Obama’s responsibility:

    Q&A: Michael Moore

    THR: You supported President Obama in the election. How do you grade his response to the financial crisis and the health care issue? How about congressional Democrats?

    Moore: I’m still in a stupor of stunned ecstasy that Obama won. And I approve of most everything he’s done, from apologizing to the Iranians for America overthrowing their democratically elected president in 1953 to appointing Kumar (actor Kal Penn of the “Harold and Kumar” movies) to a White House position. He is doing the best he can with the mess he inherited, and I and millions of others are counting on him never to forget that he came from the working class and that his people need him now more than ever. As for the congressional Democrats, what a bunch of losers — weak, scared, stupid. They had better get a clue pretty quick or the Dark Forces will return.


  13. Spammy ate my breakfast quote–please retrieve (Michael Moore quote)

    • Try again. Never Obie’s fault…

      Q&A: Michael Moore

      THR: You supported President Obama in the election. How do you grade his response to the financial crisis and the health care issue? How about congressional Democrats?

      Moore: I’m still in a stupor of stunned ecstasy that Obama won. And I approve of most everything he’s done, from apologizing to the Iranians for America overthrowing their democratically elected president in 1953 to appointing Kumar (actor Kal Penn of the “Harold and Kumar” movies) to a White House position. He is doing the best he can with the mess he inherited, and I and millions of others are counting on him never to forget that he came from the working class and that his people need him now more than ever. As for the congressional Democrats, what a bunch of losers — weak, scared, stupid. They had better get a clue pretty quick or the Dark Forces will return.


      • Well what can you expect from the guy who was in love with Nadir and said Al Gore and George W. were peas in a pod.
        He got that completely wrong and he is wrong again. But like a stopped clock being right twice a day he is spot on about congressional Dems.

      • So, he approves of him blocking Single Payer and approves of him dropping the Public Option. What a SICKO, he can’t see from all the LOVE POTION #DENIAL9.

        • Moore is nothing but a star f*cker. to him Nader was the star in 2000, Clark in 2004 (though he wanted to go with Dean but Dean didn’t kiss his ass enough) and then Obama. He is just another liberal lemming.

      • I just got up, too bad I have the ability when I’m not yet awake to picture Michael Moore in a “stupor of stunned ecstasy.” Will coffee cure this horrible vision in my mind?

  14. 20 pts for the Clayton Bigsby reference.

  15. Hoo boy, don’t know if this is old news to y’all, but here’s the great Aussie journalist John Pilger clearly rejecting all offers of Kool-Aid and calling out Obama for the fraud and con man that he is:

    • Nails it! Thank you for posting that. Where was he speaking?

    • Excellent video-thank you for posting it.

    • I cannot express my sense of gratitude and relief that educated, responsible journalists are beginning to tell the truth. I will send this to my awakening Obot friends. May his courage resonate throughout our media. WOW.

  16. Leave The Guns At Home
    By E.J. Dionne Jr.
    Thursday, August 20, 2009

    Try a thought experiment: What would conservatives have said if a group of loud, scruffy leftists had brought guns to the public events of Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush?

    How would our friends on the right have reacted to someone at a Reagan or a Bush speech carrying a sign that read: “It is time to water the tree of liberty”? That would be a reference to Thomas Jefferson’s declaration that the tree “must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

    Pardon me, but I don’t think conservatives would have spoken out in defense of the right of every American Marxist to bear arms or to shed the blood of tyrants.


    • I saw signs at Moveon rallies that said ‘Kill Bush”

    • I think the point here is that instead of raising the issue of the dangers of having guns near by or posters that can be interpreted as threats, which are real issues of concern to everyone here I think, what we see from MSNBC and from Obots is the race card. And so that’s the issue being shot down here. Not defending idiots like this.

      • And not just the race card for one person either, it’s the idea that one crazy example found (not hard) of a racist nut case is used as an example of what anyone who complains or has issues with Obama or Obamacare must be. That’s where we have a problem. We’re not defending those crazies, we’re pointing out the axelrovian tactic of trying to shut down all dissent. Yet again.

        • That’s it. Sure there are some raycist crazies out there, but the point is that Axelrove is trying to paint anyone opposed as such.

          And no, I don’t think anyone carrying a gun to protest is a crazy, or is a dangerous loon who has a desire to kill the president or anyone else. I think some of them are sincerely trying to make a simple point that they have a constitutional right to bear arms. I think its a STUPID and unproductive venue in which to try to make that point, but I don’t think they are wild-eyed and trigger happy. Just very misguided in their manner of making their (legitimate) point.

      • which idiots? there are so many.

        both sides love to play the “what would the other side do” game.

        it annoys the hell out of me

  17. fif, the speech I posted is from a longer talk Pilger gave at the Socialism 2009 conference in San Francisco in July. The whole thing is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXL998q7skI&feature=related

  18. Too bad this was on cable and no broadcast television. That MSNBC “news” clip is a clear violation of the public trust and could result in a TV station losing their broadcast license.

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