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Scientists study effect of zombie attack.

Seriously. Would I joke about something like this? From the BBC:

If zombies actually existed, an attack by them would lead to the collapse of civilisation unless dealt with quickly and aggressively.

That is the conclusion of a mathematical exercise carried out by researchers in Canada.

They say only frequent counter-attacks with increasing force would eradicate the fictional creatures.

The scientific paper is published in a book – Infectious Diseases Modelling Research Progress.

Canada has beer and snow. If I was them I would ignore the zombies and worry about illegal aliens from the south, especially as global warming kicks in.

This is an open thread.


This screencap from Memeorandum is PRICELESS:


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42 Responses

  1. I just saw that pop up in my Memeorandum feed. I’m concerned.

    Between the zombies and the methane gas, I think we’re fucked.

  2. I just emailed you guys about that. Now THAT’s funny.

    • yes the Obot in my house was just loudly spewing that theory….more intentional mind blowing 11th dimension chess.

    • Well, they are like the Bush 30 percenters. They will always believe in Teh One.

  3. I know it’s Drudge so I probably shouldn’t even bother trying to understand, but what’s with the headline saying “NYT: DEMS PLAN TO GO IT ALONE ON HEALTHCARE… DEVELOPING… ”

    Wasn’t this a headline in June or something? I don’t get how this is “developing.” They keep doing this kabuki, I’ll believe the Dems are “going it alone” when I see IT — IT being health CARE reform (including a public option that paves the way for single payer).

  4. Canada has beer and snow. If I was them I would ignore the zombies and worry about illegal aliens from the south, especially as global warming kicks in.
    The climate scientist, James Lovelock (The Gaia Hypothesis) would agree that Canada will have an influx of illegals.

    Writing in the British newspaper The Independent in January 2006, Lovelock argues that, as a result of global warming, “billions of us will die and the few breeding pairs of people that survive will be in the Arctic where the climate remains tolerable” by the end of the 21st century.[24] He has been quoted in The Guardian that 80% of humans will perish by 2100 AD, and this climate change will last 100,000 years..”

    He partly retreated from this position in a September 2007….suggesting that climate change would stabilize and prove survivable, and that the Earth itself is in “no danger” because it would stabilize in a new state. Life, however, might be forced to migrate en masse (Canada here we come!!!) to remain in habitable climes.

  5. This sucks – True Grit is playing on TCM and Rio Bravo is playing on AMC at the same time.

  6. “I am vaguely calling you out”(the story next to the zombie story) is very funny. In the comments, there is a link to an Orange Satan diary which is also funny(if you can stand to go there).

  7. Can someone get me out of spam?



  8. Well, we are enduring the results of The Attack of the Zombie Caucus Crashers now.

    • She’s is too cute for words 🙂

      • Aww, thanks. She is a BIG reason why I want a better world and a better country than what we have.

    • she is a doll. Aren’t grandkids fun. You do not have to be the one to say no and you can laugh when your kids complain about the things their kids do.



  9. Democrats Seem Set to Go Alone on a Health Bill
    Published: August 18, 2009

    WASHINGTON — Given hardening Republican opposition to Congressional health care proposals, Democrats now say they see little chance of the minority’s cooperation in approving any overhaul, and are increasingly focused on drawing support for a final plan from within their own ranks.

    If this means the New Politics of bullying the citizenry while bowing to big money interests and begging the GOP for their approval is over, I can’t complain. On the other hand, how many times are they going to cry uncle on the issue of bipartisanship? You’ve got 60 seats in the Senate, a sizable majority in the House, and someone with an ostensible D beside their name in the WH. LET’S GO. Deliver us a Public Option or you Will Be Publically Opted out of Congress.

    • I’m going with improved and enhance Medicare for All. no one can even tell me what a public option is.

      • I want Medicare for All, but I think a viable public option will lead to that and address the issue of “how do we phase in Medicare for All.”

        • Well, people think whatever they want about a public option because the term “public option” doesn’t mean anything. I don’t get Democrats today. Weiner has it right. Just start enhancing and expanding Medicare. There are so many bizarre things built into the craptastic Congressional plans that could actually hurt Medicare that I won’t be pushing for what they are already offering.

          • Well, I’m for single payer/Medicare for All and am glad for any support in that direction, but I’m just trying to work with the pathetic political reality of where we’re at now thanks to a President and a Congress that is selling us out (a feature not a bug as they say).

          • Anyhow, my main point was just that Dems are egomaniacs with an inferiority complex and this entire farce of having to wrangle so hard for a public option is well…a farce. If the White House wouldn’t have taken single payer off the table (which is not the same as Obama having to support it in any way, but at least ENGAGE the issue), then the Congress could have wrestled out the details of a public option as a compromise. But that would have happened only if a well defined Medicare-like public option that we could all opt into if we wanted was the goal. Which I never got the feeling it was for Obama.

          • Pssssst ,weiner’s been using the term “public option” and very specifically defining it as a single payer system like Medicare.

  10. Wonk the Vote, on August 19th, 2009 at 12:59 am Said:

    Well, I’m for single payer/Medicare for All and am glad for any support in that direction, but I’m just trying to work with the pathetic political reality of where we’re at now thanks to a President and a Congress that is selling us out (a feature not a bug as they say).

    There is no viable path to single payer accept single payer. We just don’t have a system for stealth, trojan horse single payer. So if this is what we get when Democrats after 8 months of squandering decide to go it alone, then I’ll pass.

  11. My comment is lost in spam.

    Wonk, I don’t think single payer can be achieved through stealth trojanponies. I don’t see any indication that Obama or the Dem leadership is serious about a so-called public option, so why would I join the movement for mediocre inrementalism?

    • In regard to every problem that arises, there are counselors who say, “Do nothing”; other counselors who say, “Do everything.” Common sense dictates an avoidance of both extremes. I say to you: “Do something”; and when you have done that something, if it works, do it some more; and if it does not work, then do something else.


      • Oh my… quoting FDR with the market-based system the Dems are cooking up? Ok. As I said, I’d have been happy with Baucus’s original proposal to expand a Medicare buy-in to people 55-65. That’s something. A new private insurance exchange is folly.

        Fineman offers some insight into what happens with this bill:


        • Oh my… quoting FDR with the market-based system the Dems are cooking up?

          Masslib, I’m pessimistic about this Democratic leadership and this pig of a bill, and have made no secret of that around here. I’m not sure why you’re reading otherwise into my comments.

          I understand that you think single payer is the only way to singlepayer. I respectfully disagree on that point, that is all.

      • Indeed, that’s an argument for expanding Medicare. It works, do it some more. i am not opposed to a slow move to enhancing and expanding Medicare. I am opposed to vague public options, which I would say are mediocre incremental proposals.

        • And, I’m definitely not opposed to what you’re suggesting–I’d very much be for that. But, I don’t see this President and this Congress even offering it as an option.

  12. Ok, I give up. I’ve lost 2 comments.

  13. Happy Birthday President Clinton !
    Hope it’s a good one and thank you!

  14. I got a begging letter from Shumer and the dnc. Included was a calender with backtrack on it. I ripped up the calender and was debating whether or not to just rip up the letter or write an answer like this.

    I am no longer a democrat and have not been one since the great vote robbery on May 31, 2008. The new democratic party is not a group that in good conscience I would want to belong. The treatment shown toward females is appalling. The name calling and lack of willingness to do the job congress is paid to do is just wrong. You can explain nothing because you read nothing.
    They chose color and inexperience over country . We have two wars and economic problems facing this country. The democratic party selected a corporate owned shill who has no idea or will to solve any problem.



    • Was it a four year calendar or an eight year calendar? /snark/

      If you have an old calendar from 2008 rip out the month of May, draw a huge red Sharpie line to the 31st and tell them you noticed they cheated. That seriously creeps me out that people would have a calendar with a new picture of Obama every month (I’m sure with the flag behind him) on display.

  15. MYIQ, where do you find this stuff. Thanks for writing here so often. You really make me smile even though we all are suffering through a nightmare.

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