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Wednesday: Whoa! I didn’t see *that* coming.

Wishful thinking...

Wishful thinking...

William Greider opens his column in The Nation entitled Past and Future with this realization:

A year ago, when Barack Obama said it was time to turn the page, his campaign declaration seemed to promise a fresh start for Washington. I, for one, failed to foresee Obama would turn the page backward. The president-elect’s lineup for key governing positions has opted for continuity, not change. Virtually all of his leading appointments are restoring the Clinton presidency, only without Mr. Bill. In some important ways, Obama’s selections seem designed to sustain the failing policies of George W. Bush

This is not the last word and things are changing rapidly. But Obama’s choices have begun to define him. His victory, it appears, was a triumph for the cautious center-right politics that has described the Democratic party for several decades. Those of us who expected more were duped, not so much by Obama but by our own wishful thinking.

HELLO?!? The $600,000,000 campaign fund didn’t smack you hard enough?  Mr. Greider goes on to lament that appointing Tim Greithner as Treasury Secretary may not be sending a strong enough message to Wall Street as Greithner has been a weak regulator of the firms in the past.


What did these people see in Obama?  I swear they never looked past his skin color.  That was the magic bullet.  Everything was going to Change! because this smooth, polished Harvard educated lawyer was going to secretly govern like Jesse Jackson?

When I saw all of the presidential candidates in August 2007, with the exception of Biden, the one I was least impressed with was Obama.  He sat on the stage during the forum and looked positively bored.  He didn’t say anything novel or interesting or inspiring.  He wasn’t controversial or witty.  He was like matter: he had mass and took up space and that was just about it.  How so many people took that flavorless tofu of a man and constructed a light filled being empowered by magical beans to turn the country into a land of liberal warm fuzzies is testament to the creativity that brought America to the edge of financial collapse.  If it is possible to turn Barack Obama into a wunder pres, just think how quickly we will be able to solve the energy crisis!  Global warming?  Imagine it away.

Mr. Greider should remember how the Bush era began.  It was by outright thievery.  The election was stolen from Al Gore by the brotherly love of the Governor of Florida, Brooks Brothers Riot and the media Haka that prepared the public for Gore’s eventual defeat at the hands of a politicized Supreme Court.  It should come as no surprise that the Bush era is ending with thievery on a scale that Atilla the Hun would envy.  And this year, we have another politician who made deals with the power elite to jump ahead of the queue.  But in this case, the feat was accomplished by not just screwing over half of his base.  That wasn’t enough.  No, this time, the party itself decided to give us a teachable moment on race relations.  Obama was shoved down our throats for our own good.  THEY knew better than US.   Expect Obama’s style of governing to be remarkably similar.  When the recession finally hits and tough choices have to be made, do not expect that you will be spared, Mr. Greider.  Obama knows what’s best for you, even if you have to suffer.  It will build your character.  It has been decided for you.  Your vote and opinion will not be needed now, just like it wasn’t needed in the primary.  And it is all entirely predictable.

Nothing good ever comes of a bad seed.

92 Responses

  1. Shorter versus of Nation piece: “…and he said he’d call but he never did.”

    Obama was like Fool’s Gold for too many leftists. They saw something they thought was gold (but wasn’t) and fell on each other and former allies in a feeding frenzy only to be left empty handed.

    Color me unsympathetic.

  2. Obama = Bush X 100.

  3. All along, Hillary was the real progressive among the Democratic candidates. But did Greider et al. listen to her? Noooooo.

  4. This is, like, article #346 out of the 385,495,164,548 we’ll have lamenting that “This is not the Barack Obama they knew!”

  5. Perhaps Greider didn’t see this coming because he was blinded by the “light”. Us lesser mortals refused to drink kool aid and pretend anyone could be all they pretend this “flavorless tofu” of a man was.

    “Flavorless tofu” of a man, great line RD!

  6. RD,

    My head hurts from banging my head against the wall. I have a new five-step plan for future satisfaction:

    1) Cut and paste quotes and sources here and there, like the one above ending with “our own wishful thinking….”

    2) Compile in never-ending document

    3) When satisfied, make as many copies as you can afford to mail.

    4) Put on a fun CD, then have fun stuffing envelopes

    5) Mail “I told you so” document to every obnoxious, in-your-face, smug, self-righteous “lefty” that you formerly knew, then smile like a satisfied cat.

  7. CNN says that Volcker will be appointed to some new board for economic recovery. The only thing I remember about Volcker is 15 percent interest rates.

  8. whoops–maybe two more steps:

    sign with a paw-print

    mail anonymously

  9. “Obama was shoved down our throats for our own good. THEY knew better than US. ………..Mr. Greider. Obama knows what’s best for you, even if you have to suffer. It will build your character. It has been decided for you. Your vote and opinion will not be needed now, just like it wasn’t needed in the primary. And it is all entirely predictable.”

    That sums it up for me, RD. You’ve encapsulated my sense of powerlessness and hopelessness so well. It’s only not that painful, because I, like you, saw it coming. Resigned, yet clinging to my PUMA resistance allies.

  10. The mythical Trojan Horse was recently priced to build in today’s economy. Average cost was estimated to be roughly $ .75 billion US.

  11. I keep asking myself over and over again if I am not a Clintons fan would I have been sooo imuned to this mass hysteria? One thing I know about my self I can’t be bullied into in any thing, and the more you push my tin hats go up so quickly and I guess that what saved me. But there is another aspect to this drama which really puzzled me. If during the election you have been talking to people who liked him, they really get angry and raged if you point out his short comings. Not just they are not going to consider it, they really hate you for saying it and this from family members and friends. That was weird. So my advise now to tune down the (I told you so) because you might be accused that is all your fault, you made him do it.

  12. It reminds me of how after the primaries everybody ‘suddenly’ saw the misogyny in the media.

  13. Nailed it, RD. Powerful post!

  14. But there is another aspect to this drama which really puzzled me. If during the election you have been talking to people who liked him, they really get angry and raged if you point out his short comings.

    I noticed it too, a surprising aspect of this election.

  15. Thanks again, RD, for the post. I’m enjoying my popcorn (the only thing I can enjoy this election season) as we watch the star-struck lefty idiots get their face smacked with the reality that is BH0. Agree with all you post about BH0 – the least impressive of all the Dem candidates, indeed. LOL @ ‘flavorless tofu of a man’ – describes him perfectly, because tofu absorbs the flavours of whatever it’s next to! Just like Woody Allen’s ‘Zelig’ in a way – chameleon with evil intent.

  16. ownaa,

    Sound advice. I guess I just don’t care at this point what I am accused of. I’ve been accused of so much, I feel immune.

    However, you are right–no need to say “I told you so” , the long list of facts and statements like, “Those of us who expected more were duped, not so much by Obama but by our own wishful thinking.” are quite enough.

  17. “they really get angry and raged if you point out his short comings.”

    The hallmark of irrational/emotional decision making.

  18. This is so true. He’s putting all these Clinton cronies including Hillary Clinton herself into key roles. What a betrayal of the forward thinking leadership of Hillary Clinton. Why is it that only we Clinton supporters can see what a farce hiring these retreads is? Everybody else has been drinking the BHO kool aid.

  19. Great Post, RD. I wish I could get excited about all the people I get to say, “I told you so,” to, but I can’t. Unfortunately, this “flavorless tofu of a man” is now the President and has the ability to destroy any future like I thought I had. Not to mention the fact that a lot of people have been hoodwinked and no,all you obots, that is not a r@cial code word, that is an Obama word.

  20. A colleague (Obot) asked me last night, after admitting that he made the wrong choice, what if some of these research initiatives actually turn up something about him ( I assume he was talking about the BC thingy) before Dec. 15 confirmation. “Do they kick him out?”

    Perhaps Angie or one of you lawyer-types knows the answer to that one – I don’t

  21. At the bottom of it all. The 2000 selections, the invasion of Iraq, the coronation of The Obama is the print and broadcast media.
    Shakespeare’s character, Dick the Butcher had it wrong when he said, “Kill all the lawyers” but then the modern version “profession” of journalism had yet to evolve.

  22. Obama is going to be the “decider” president and the “commander guy” president. He’ll be the delegator, the guy who occupies the office but does squat except to move around talking platitudes. Just like when he was editor of the HLR and has no legal essay to his name. The man is incapable of hard work and he ain’t going to start now. His failings as a chief executive will soon be apparent but it will be spun into a virtue. Bush redux .

  23. Wait until Daley sets up his check cashing and payday loan office in the WH basement and they will be clueless about that also. Texas got their loot and Chicago wants theirs. I am continually amazed at how not bright these lefty media/activist/pseudo-intellectuals really seem to be. I expect Mr Greider and others to start walking into open manholes any time now.

  24. Joanelle, on November 26th, 2008 at 9:11 am

    Never going to happen. He is the first AA president and that makes him an untouchable.

  25. Those of us who expected more were duped, not so much by Obama but by our own wishful thinking.

    Even in their disappointment, they’re still compelled to excuse Obama. Listen, buddy, duping you was Obama’s plan; it was quite intentional. He and Axel-rove knew exactly how to play you. But you’re right that you and your ilk were most willing patsies, eager to shut your eyes, stick your fingers in your ears and shout “la la la” like the Hallelujah Chorus.

    Great post, RD. Sums things up perfectly.

  26. Downticket – that’s what I figured but this guy was really angry – kind of like we were when Hill got shunted aside for him. Pay back is a b*tch

  27. MrMike, at 9:13 am Said:

    “At the bottom of it all. The 2000 selections, the invasion of Iraq, the coronation of The Obama is the print and broadcast media.”

    Follow the money behind the MSM and expose the biggest culprits. There’s plenty of blame to strew around in the general populace. But with McCain vs Obama it was lose/lose anyway.

  28. If the somewhat fictional film “W” bears any resemblance to reality then Bush sought political office to “show his dad.” He got into Iraq apparently for the same reason. His political life seems to be driven by his desire to show he’s just as good as his dad and brother.

    Obama seems, to me, to be driven by a need to prove he’s as good and smart as any other smart person around. This stems from his fundamental insecurity. Thinking about what could be more important to him than being POTUS (thanks prolix for the Pope suggestion) it struck me that high academic recognition would do the trick. So, I think a Nobel it is. Since he isn’t going to get one for physics, or for chemistry (unless RD writes his articles for him), or for physiology or medicine, that leaves economics or peace. As dismal as economics may be, BO is too dismal by far, so I’m guessing he will lean heavily on a favorite mentor and supporter and emulate “elders” Jimmy Carter and Al Gore with the Peace Prize. Picking an issue where BO seems to actually have done something is gonna challenge these two wise men.

    My prediction for the new year is that BO will concentrate on World Peace, holding large rallies in Germany, Korea, and anywhere and everywhere to work the world into a fever pitch of BO for the Nobel Peace Prize. And, humble guy that he is, he will blushingly have to accept.

    So who’s going to be the real President, doing the real work, while BO is working the world stage for his Nobel? Joe Biden (ROFLMAO!!). Hillary?

  29. The people who complain about Clinton seem to be not noticing that Bush has been in office for eight years and intentionally reversed most of Clinton’s policies.

  30. or maybe, just maybe …. President of Harvard!!!

  31. Joaniebone,

    I wonder if that Christmas celebration your siblings have planned is going to be marred by disillusionment? I sure hope so!

  32. All Obama has to do is really mess up the mideast big time and by 2012 the promise from the GOP is Petraeus. He may be their only “savior” to go up against a black president who seems assured of a second term when you pitch him up against the likes of Romney, Palin, Huckabee, or Gingrich.

    They will go after the “stature” component and the above mentioned are nowhere in that league. 2012 will rest less on the economy than on the international issue of the mideast. Petraeus will be their choice. A distinguished general against a floppy sitting president may just be the ticket to restore them to power once again.

  33. In the meantime, I am thinking of having “I told you so” tatooed on my forehead.

  34. urgetocompute, at 9:29 am Said:

    “Obama seems, to me, to be driven by a need to prove he’s as good and smart as any other smart person around. ………..so I’m guessing he will lean heavily on a favorite mentor and supporter and emulate “elders” Jimmy Carter and Al Gore with the Peace Prize. Picking an issue where BO seems to actually have done something is gonna challenge these two wise men.

    My prediction for the new year is that BO will concentrate on World Peace, holding large rallies in Germany, Korea, and anywhere and everywhere to work the world into a fever pitch of BO for the Nobel Peace Prize. ”

    This makes sense. King of the Universe may be a bit too right of center for him. Refresh my memory. What has BO done for peace? His helping his cousin in Kenya led to violence I believe.

  35. Pat: Would the lettering be Old English, Gothic or the urban graffiti type?

  36. Pat, you’re on with Petraeus and the tattoo. Umm, I’d rather place mine just above my right elbow. I have bangs.

    At least “I Told You So” could become a PUMA motto.

  37. How about a T-shirt that shows Obama morphing into Bush. Underneath would be the words “We told you so.”

  38. Purplefinn,

    That’s not a bad idea, except it should be “We told you so.” I wonder if we could work with that and get a “tipping point” idea like PUMA?

  39. LOL, Pat–I’m with you; liked Joaniebone’s suggestion too. I’m already thinking about getting a bumper sticker that reads “Don’t blame me, I voted for Hillary” to stick on my office door.

    “I keep asking myself over and over again if I am not a Clintons fan would I have been sooo imuned to this mass hysteria?”

    Me too, but I think we would feel the same way. In my case, I began as a starry-eyed Edwards supporter who switched to Obama (YES I ADMIT IT!!!!) after Edwards dropped out. At that point I liked Obie and disliked Hillary, but as the primary progressed I kept having all these “Whoa!” moments while Hillary impressed me more and more by the day. I think having open, critical minds saved us, and our willingness to hear many sides of an issue. As a result our decision is based on reality, not fantasy or self-delusion. In the same way, we’re very aware that Hillary is not perfect despite our great admiration of her.

    It’s about listening, being open to other viewpoints. One of the most eye-opening things this election season was when my very Republican bf kept telling me that Hillary was the best of the Democrats. What’s interesting is that one of the things I most admire about my bf is his ability to judge the character of other people; it’s much better than mine. He has correctly warned me about people I thought were just great and subsequently discovered were backstabbing jerks, which he knew from the get-go. So when he told me I should take a closer look at Hillary, I listened–and once again, he was right.

    By contrast, the Obots closed their ears and their minds once they made their decision. It was all or nothing, with us or against us, LA LA LA I can’t hear you.

  40. Nicely said, RD. My only surprise is that there seem to be so many voters already who admit they made a mistake. It hasn’t even been a month since the election. Since their choice of Obama was never based on rationality to begin with, I expected to see more writers opting for myiq’s Option 1: I still think he’s going to give me a pony.

  41. Urge,

    I read a book about a million years ago (5,000 years for the fundies) that was about a senator who became Preznit, then went on to be a Supreme, got disillusioned in a big way, but still liked how he looked in black so he became a monk of the Jesuit variety and then the College of Cardinals’ pointy hats all twirled and pointed to him and he became Pope — did a good job too. When I read it on the cave walls, I thought it was fiction until about 12 minutes ago.

    RD, excellent, excellent post. Thank you.

  42. Recent rumblings have Petaeus being mentioned but apparently no one knows if he has a party affiliation at this point. Like another Genl. Eisenhower. Unless I am way off the mark, Obama, no matter how bad he may turn out to be in the long run, will handily defeat the opposition if they choose to go with Palin, Gingrich, Huckabee, Romney. The country will is not that enamored of “family values” and peculiar religious views coming out of the mouths of their nominees.

    Petraeus would be run as someone who has lead troops and has a firm grasp on both security issues and those dealing wit the mideast. Of course I have no idea if he is even interested but names are generally thrown out there as trial balloons.

    As long as the GOP adheres to quasi religious principles as their guiding force I seriously doubt Obama would have much to worry about in 4 years just based on that alone. As much as I resented having him pushed down my throat I have the same gut reaction to those who do likewise using the “God” theme to get themselves elected.

  43. Pat J–So true. My best friend would have voted for McCain, but he couldn’t stand Palin’s religiosity.

  44. Pat, why have the god theme when you can have god?

  45. Totally, OT, but I would really appreciate it if you guys would think of going to this site:


    They are sending thank you cards to the troops. Who knows, maybe one of you PUMA’s will be sending a card to my son.

    The holidays are just not the same with him being over there and I told you so, just doesn’t sound so sweet.

  46. BB, OK. I’m with “We Told You So”. While the
    ” T-shirt that shows Obama morphing into Bush” is a cool idea, I don’t want to look at either of them. : ( So I could wear it and scare people, but I wouldn’t want to hang out with any PUMAs wearing one.

  47. they just announced alquaeda has been sending out chatter about sending suicide bombers into the new york city subways during the holiday shopping season …

    is this cassandra biden’s test?

  48. and also, it looks like Paul Volker is coming back … another ‘center right’ economist for the obama team …

    where are those we told you so bumper stickers, again?

  49. I hate to repeat myself but I will: My peeps at Black Agenda Report are beyond brilliant. They were on to this fraud from day.

    Here is from one of may all times favorite post:

    So Long Suckers

    The Obama campaign slogan ought to be ‘Never give a sucker an even break.'” The Democratic nominee-to-be has made “chumps” out of progressives at every turn, yet they still fawn over Obama as if he is one of their own. But do these “hapless” supporters deserve pity – or condemnation. Regarding the group, Progressives for Obama, “they are accomplices to” the candidate’s “wrong doing.” Something is clearly wrong in the “progressive” American political culture.. “Because progressives never fought the good fight amongst themselves, they still don’t know what their agenda ought to be, or worse yet, they don’t even know they should have one.

    The yearlong joke that was the Democratic primary battle is now over. It is official. Barack Obama offers absolutely nothing new except well executed political strategy. The grand political rallies/come to Jesus meetings were nothing more than political theater and viral marketing on an off the charts scale. It is true that thousands of people became involved in politics through the Obama campaign, only to be told now that he represents the same old same old and that they had better accept it and shut up.

    The Obama campaign slogan ought to be “Never give a sucker an even break.” It isn’t clear which sight is more painful to watch, the progressives who fell for the hype and are now heart broken or the cynics who knew the game all along and now applaud the campaign’s increasingly rightward shift.

    It’s hard to excerpt that post because it’s so spot on. Keep in mind that was written on July 2nd.

  50. The Obots felt superior to the rest of us who viewed the primary through a pragmatic lens. Who cared if he wobbled on his answers and seemed to lack the basics in leadership? He was black, new to the scene, hope and change were in the offing. Those of us who held out against these vapid qualities were the old, low information, ra*cist voters who failed to see the “wonderfulness” of Barack Obama.

    From their standpoint, our arguments were moot, we needed to be stamped out, we were ripe for ridicule and derision, we were just a bunch of sulky people who were summarily dismissed.

    Now that the music has stopped and the piper demands payment, they are looking at the road to hope and change as nothing more than words and ill conceived promises. Both sides refused to tell it like it is instead they took the same route of promises that could never be kept.

    Perhaps if The One and McCain had been tending to Senate business they may well have alerted us far in advance that this ecomonic implosion was sitting on our doorstep and came with no easy fix. Instead we were subjected to weeks of empty rhetoric, canned stump speeches, cheap shots, and flimsy excuses offered to bolster two candidates whose sole desire was to be POTUS.

    This is our fault since we long gave up demanding more of our elected officials and satisfied ourselves with whose wife was more attractive to become First Lady.

    The Obots may be squirming a bit now for throwing in their lot with a candidate who came unvetted and who showed from the outset that he was a very weak choice to lead. But superb marketing and the need to quickly sign onto the fallacy of “historical precedent” prevented legitimate arguments and questioning to take place. Better to tamp down the opposing voices than to seriously allow a sense of debate into the process.

    We never seem to learn.

  51. TheRealKim, done!

  52. I’m happy to still have my Hillary bumper sticker on the back of my car!

    Meantime, I’m hoping BO is found ineligible by Supreme Court before electors meet on Dec. 15 so DNC can substitute Hillary as Dem. candidate and have her elected!

    (The sky is beautiful in my world!)

  53. Kim: Done.

  54. [We flagellants] “… were duped, not so much by Obama but by our own wishful thinking.”

    Wow, in terms of political absurdities, this is a few clicks south of getting a face full of the Cheney blunderbuss and apologizing for it.

  55. ellie: what a metaphor! i love it!

  56. TheRealKim, on November 26th, 2008 at 10:04 am Said:
    Totally, OT, but I would really appreciate it if you guys would think of going to this site:


    Kim our Kiwanis club got 1,000 pre addressed cards and our Key Club (high school) Builders Club (middle school) and our adult members have all written messages on them for the troops – we picked up the cost and they will be mailed next week.

  57. I wonder what the outcome would have been if Obama had told the truth and said, “I loved the Clinton era and if elected I plan on bringing back for an encore many of those in that administration who gave us a sense of prosperity and peace”?

    Would those empty Obot heads started spinning then or would they have gone along insisting this was the message of “hope” and “change”? Hard to tell since he kept those decisions pretty much in the background until after the election. The man is elusive for the most part and we still have yet to figure out his political aims. During the campaign he fell all over himself in distancing his positions from anything Clinton, even going so far as to praise Reagan for his “creativity and innovations”.

    The guy is ridiculous and his supporters even more so. They were the instrument that got him there.

  58. Cha Ching!!!!!!! You hit the jackpot with this post RD. I agree with bluelyon: “Nailed it, RD. Powerful post!”

  59. MABlue,

    They have seen through Obama from day one. I’m glad I discovered Black Agenda Report back in January. They have helped keep me sane!

  60. Kim,

    I hope you are able to talk to your son on the phone. I know how hard it is. My first husband was in Vietnam for 18 months. In those days phone calls were really hard too. Going to your link now.

  61. Pat: some of his appointments are much more Reagish than Clintonian… we’re seeing two Bushies stay already

    remember, he wanted to vote for Roberts until an aid told him don’t do it …

  62. kim, i know how rough it is … although I’m not so worried about my daughter’s well-being as much as you must have to worry about that. She always leaves over the summer now to practice medicine in some other country, it’s been guatamala, but she’s going to china at the beginning of the year … it drives me crazy that I can’t talk to her when I want to and that I have to wait for things like emails or a facebook post

  63. Dakinikat,

    It’s just so sad that anyone with a heartbeat and a functioning brain could have figured this out by February. I actually read Obama’s book, and that was all I needed to recognize that Reagan was his role model. After the interview he gave to that newspaper in Iowa, everyone knew. But at the Daily Cheeto, there were multiple diaries arguing that Reagan was really A-OK! A lot of these O-bots were never really Democrats to begin with, e.g., Markos and Arianna.

  64. Pat,

    I honestly think the Obots would have found a way to spin even that. What amazes me is how many of them are starting to snap out of their stupor before Obama is even sworn in.

  65. We give ourselves permission to be duped. We beg for it. We will blind ourselves to the reality as long as someone tells us that we are wonderful, sanctimonious, fair minded, and just the neatest thing since sliced bread! We live for it, pine for it, lust after anything that will valididate our own sense of self.

    How else to explain the Obama cultishness and the book, The Secret, which resides on the NYT best seller list? We may be old enough to dismiss the myth of a Santa Claus but deep down we want to much to believe that we are willing to go to any length to perpetuate that desire.

    Obama is just another in a long list of hucksters who stir that deep desire to be anything out of the ordinary. That propaganda machine is never turned off.

  66. bb: yup, so many folks just figured he was something different purely based on his skin color…

    he’s on tv announcing an economic advisory board now … austan goolsbee is the head of it … hello chicago school of economics, he always uses ‘diverse’ backgrounds as a code word for my friends are right wingers but you’ll ignore the man behind the curtain

  67. New Post Up! More Change and Unity!

  68. so now there are TWO sets of economic advisors both led by right leaning economists …

    Volker is definitely a monetarist and wasn’t afraid to create a recession to get at inflation

    and let’s see what the market says … it’s staying slightly down while its digesting this

  69. Kat – I was wondering when Goolsbee would rear his ugly head.


  70. Goolsbee, well that ought to quell the angst in the market. Goolsbee of, “I’m going to tell you something, but I will deny that I told you and when we talk about it publicly, we are going to be saying the exact opposite of what I’m telling you now and by the way, the pony died.”

  71. that stupid office of the president elect seal drives me buggy … is that supposed to make us take him more seriously?

  72. and why is he always surrounded by multiple flags? isn’t one of them enough?

    and there’s that FLAG pin …


  73. there’s a front page piece on the NY Times today about Summers …

    and the DJ is going up … about to go into positive ranges as we’re hearing about Obama’s shopping for xmas …

    how will this year’s season of crass consumerism go?

  74. dak- it is utterly disgusting- a mockery. I expect John Belushi to come out behind the podium (wishful thinking). That One’s smugness and condescension just ooze over the microphones. For some reason, I have been drawn to listen to these daily tortures- I must be a true masochist.

  75. Volker was one of the earliest of those guys to endorse Obama, and I recall a lot of the DK crowd being thrilled about it. They actually thought THEY were the ones who were pulling the wool over the eyes of the conservatives who support BO. What a bunch of morons.

  76. Pat Johnson, on November 26th, 2008 at 10:43 am Said:

    “We give ourselves permission to be duped. We beg for it. We will blind ourselves to the reality as long as someone tells us that we are wonderful, sanctimonious, fair minded, and just the neatest thing since sliced bread! We live for it, pine for it, lust after anything that will valididate our own sense of self.”

    Pat, Nassim Taleb in “The Black Swan” has a lot to say about this that’s useful IMO.

  77. […] Wednesday: Whoa! I didn’t see *that* coming. (by riverdaughter at The Confluence) William Greider opens his column in The Nation entitled Past and Future with this realization: “A year ago, when Barack Obama said it was time to turn the page, his campaign declaration seemed to promise a fresh start for Washington. I, for one, failed to foresee Obama would turn the page backward. The president-elect’s lineup for key governing positions has opted for continuity, not change… Those of us who expected more were duped, not so much by Obama but by our own wishful thinking.”… Mr. Greider should remember how the Bush era began.  It was by outright thievery.  The election was stolen from Al Gore by the brotherly love of the Governor of Florida, Brooks Brothers Riot and the media Haka that prepared the public for Gore’s eventual defeat at the hands of a politicized Supreme Court.  It should come as no surprise that the Bush era is ending with thievery on a scale that Atilla the Hun would envy… […]

  78. Nassim Taleb also has an interesting piece at the Edge:


  79. Well said. Love your Tofu comparison. But see, the blandness of tofu can be manipulated and changed according to what you add to it.

    Obama has always been the Manchurian Candidate, even if the media didn’t want to report it. That doesn’t change the facts. He is a manufactured show piece. They have their symbol and the special interest control him. PERIOD.

    And why couldn’t these folks see? That is an internal problem with themself they must confront and deal with. Denial, greed and Obama made it almost PC to be rude, mean and gratuitous. It was easy, he appealed to the greedy, the ME society.

    (for our friend)
    The Obama Administration Motto;
    “Everything old is new again.
    What once was politics of the past
    is now our change for the future.”

  80. or should I say, he appealed to the selfish and Me society.

  81. Great one, RD.

    It’s where he got all that money…
    that is troublesome — and the corrupt Dems who surround him.

    I’m going to start writing about Senators who are doing the right thing — I don’t care if they are Dems or not…

    After all these years — they look more honest over on the Repub side — very much so. Especially Senator Charles Grassley who has taken on an unethical psychiatrist.

    All the “fame” BS has gone to their heads — government has never been about “fame” and product tie ins — has it?

    What you noticed at that panel? Bored yes, unless the spotlight is on guess who. That’s the narcissism — it is only about the spotlight — deeds, actions, honor — mean little. Sad.

  82. Goolsbee, ah yes…I thought they buried Mr. Austan “Walmart is teh KEWLEST” Goolsbee after he flapped his lips to the Canadians once too often.

    Remember the Obots who screamed themselves hoarse about Hillary being on the Evil Walmart Board? Think they’ll praise Ghouls-be as a brilliant economic thinker? Of course you do.

  83. As I said on another thread, if you’ve ever seen that tv show Intervention on A&E, the Obots will be like that; in complete denial. They will defend “the one” until their last breath never acknowledging that they were duped.

  84. Hillary did it again. She manipulated Obama to pick her as SOS.

    Obama’s meetings with Hillary Clinton and John McCain about playing important roles in his presidency indicated his imagination and his shrewdness, although sources close to Obama say he did not offer her the job of secretary of state when they met. He had said during the campaign that he wanted various views in his government, and in turning to his own former competitors, Obama was at the same time magnanimous and seeking to keep them close. Both were in a position to cause him difficulty in the Senate—Clinton, in particular, had kept her constituency intact (through HillPAC) and was planning her own Senate agenda, including her own health care program, no matter what Obama proposed.

    Mrs. Clinton’s and her closest advisers’ turning a suggestion by the President-elect that she might, among other things, head the State Department into an “offer” and reports that she was agonizing over whether to accept it, did not please officials in Chicago, some of whom hoped that issues over disclosure of Bill Clinton’s post-presidential record might block the appointment. But the former president’s camp blocked that by promising to cooperate with requests for information and to accept limits on his activities, including clearance of speaking engagements abroad. Statements by the Hilary camp on November 21 saying that “she’s ready” for the position but then backtracking, saying that some matters were “under discussion,” typified the whole mess, the only snag thus far in an otherwise unusually smooth transition involving impressive choices—an object lesson to Obama (which he had reason to know already) that getting involved with the Clintons is rarely uncomplicated.


    The 2008 election may mark the end of Rovian politics, the strategy of dividing the country over cultural issues, such as abortion; of trying to scare voters into fearing for their security if the opposition candidate won. It may also mark the end of the culture wars that had been with us since the Sixties. Obama, the first post-baby-boomer presidential candidate, made those issues irrelevant. For the first time since it happened, the Vietnam War wasn’t a topic. A growing part of the population is too young to remember Vietnam or the conflicts of the Sixties.


    Obama’s thrilling election—something not long ago many wise heads said wasn’t possible—also made more imminent the prospect that the dark night of the worst administration in history was ending. The American people had overwhelmingly rejected the Bush regime’s stupidity, cupidity, its wars, its lies, its torturing and its secrecy, its ineptitude and its power grab that threatened constitutional government. The relief was palpable. Washingtonians were simply smiling as they hadn’t in years. Something new was coming, and it was to be looked forward to. People felt cleansed.


  85. In the meantime, I am thinking of having “I told you so” tatooed on my forehead.

    Better yet, have it tatooed into the palm of your hand, then raise it to them and say, “Talk to the hand.”

  86. Don’t blame me, I voted for Hillary.

  87. I will never forget the interview on CNBC with Austin Ghoulsbee. He stated that “before we privatize Social Security, we will” Blah, Blah, Blah. It was jaw dropping and a much bigger moment than his Canadian gaffe. But of course the MSM didn’t say squat. Before we privatze Social Securuty!!!!!!!! Need we say more? Obama is getting ready for his “Nixon to China” move. Bush wasn’t able to privatze Social Security but 0bama will do the dirty deed for them. I TOLD YOU SO!! Say it loud and often.

  88. O never passed a bar exam-he is not a legal lawyer.

  89. Oh please, I told you so is going to cost “US” all so much. However, I told you so and don’t blame me I vote for and worked my heart out for Hillary and then John McCain. Unfortunately, we deserve what we got.

  90. I’ve said for months that those on the left who only looked at Obama’s skin color were the true r@cists. They never saw the actual man. What a bunch of fools. I have to admit I’m laughing my a$$ off at them. They got played AND they are shown to be the idiots and bigots that they truly are.

    Don’t blame me I supported and voted AGAINST the Big Zero. I voted for Hillary and McPalin and sent money to Cynthia McKinney. All those so-called lefties would have voted for McKinney if they had any sense AND weren’t such Neanderthal sexists.

  91. I agree gxm17. I did vote for McKinney/Clemente and felt such joy to be released from old habits of voting Democratic. One guy from the Sierra Club asked me if Obama was a “centrist.” Hahaha. I said, no, right winger…It’s not just the old Clintonites. It’s the Clintonites who haven’t left the 90s.

  92. Didn’t Michele tell us all that Barack would expect us all to sacrifice?

    Judging by the problems of my clients these days it looks the sacrificing has begun.

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