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Episode 23: Eucatastrophe

A eucatastrophe is a term that means “a sudden turn of events in a story which ensures that the protagonist does not meet some terrible, impending, and very plausible and probable doom”

But the protagonist has to recognize it when it happens in order to take advantage of it.

What happened last night at the debate was a eucatastrophe. Let me explain at We’re Here! Episode 23: Eucatastrophe.

2 Responses

  1. Loved the podcast, totally agree with your assessment especially about the DNC needing to step it up & do something

    I didn’t make it as far as 20 mins into the debate like you did, riverdaughter. It all felt twilight zone to me, we were told he was extensively prepped for last night and then to have Jill Biden sending fundraising emails during the debate asking us “aren’t you so proud of Joe?” I can’t say I have faith in him or his team or even Jill at this point to have him pass the crown after they let him go on stage like that.

    It’s unacceptable to be thrown to the wolves by the DNC where we’re left defending his age and future performances like this til November. Trump is clearly a dangerous candidate, we need someone who can demonstrate this!

    • This is crazy but I actually feel ok about the debate last night because I feel we have finally broken the logjam of having a rematch between the two. Now a whole world of possibilities have opened up and it’s so exciting!

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