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Episode 21:Regrexit

The hard right made some stunning gains in European elections yesterday. You’d think voters would know better after the last world war. But these parties are targeting the same type of voters in many countries, playing up their fears on immigration and corruption. So, how do you get through to these people that the hard right wing can’t offer them anything except temporary schadenfreude over liberals? The answer is in Brexit, that divorce from the EU that had caused serious damage to the UK, rising prices and crippling its GDP. Forget about living with immigrants. What’s worse than living with people who got you into this mess to begin with?

There are some talk show journalists who are taking this on. How does a leave voter feel now? How did he get suckered in by the Brexit lies? Explain to us what it all meant to you.

In this episode, we’ll talk about what lessons the UK can teach the rest of us about getting manipulated by the right wing and how the media should go about talking to the right. Hint: it’s by challenging the mental laziness.

Join me at We’re Here for Episode 21: Regrexit.

Here’s an example of James O’Brien talking about the ongoing consequences of Brexit. This is from April 30, 2024. Can we get some intrepid US news person to do this kind of thing? ASAP??