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What happens when you vote to “Burn it all down”

Brexit, or Britain’s exit from the EU, has had some entirely expected consequences. This little snippet from German news channel DW explains what happened using the Isle of Skye as an example:

It’s the same playbook that drives a lot of the rabid right. Promise fewer regulations that backfire stupendously when your biggest trading partner enforces its own regulations with non-EU countries, a stranglehold on immigration causing labor shortages, higher prices.

There’s a general election coming up in the UK. This one may give the Tories an idea about the level of anger that people are feeling. They were deceived, didn’t really understand what they were signing up for and voted for Brexit after they were stampeded by a campaign of lies and fear mongering about immigration. The Tories managed to maintain their stranglehold on government long past the freshness date.

Brexit is deeply unpopular. Brits who voted for it and now regret it might have a thing or two to say about voting for right wing ideas that promise to burn it all down. Starting over from scratch isn’t all it was advertised.

Buyers of Project 2025 from The Heritage Foundation beware. I mean, if any cultish MAGA people would bother to actually read it.

More Brexit regrets from Brits from a year ago and another clip from a month ago, describe how all the leave voters felt like Brexit was popular. All the cool kids were doing it. Then the day after the vote, they became about as popular as “turds in a swimming pool”. But the general feelings of the frenzy of the Leave side sound eerily familiar. There is still time for the US to learn from Brexit but the media here needs to start featuring how damaging it has been to the UK and how it got here.

The UK got themselves into this mess and there’s no clear way out of it. And the effects of Brexit just keep getting worse.