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The People Say: Screw the rich, go over the cliff already

You should read the comments in the latest update post on the so-called “fiscal cliff” negotiations on the NYTimes.  The jig is up.  Republicans are threatening to screw us now and blow up the economy in a couple of months just so some rich people can keep their incredible deal on taxes.  Oh, yeah, they’re really concerned about the deficit.  Read some of these beauties

Cleveland, Ohio

Once again, I considerate it unconscionable for the right wing Republicans (Tea Party included) to obstruct the normal functioning of our government down to the wire. We Americans don’t deserve such treatment from Republican congressmen. Hopefully, these renegades will be voted out in their next respective elections. Good riddance!

Staten island

Let’s go off the cliff. As a middle class taxpayer, I am OK with that.The Republicans’ will be paying for it long range. They should — as fierce defenders for the 0.1% , holding the country hostage!

            Charlotte, NC

Tax increases for everyone are not horrible, especially if Congress acts to phase them in over time rather than letting them hit all at once. The bigger problem is a failure to act on Medicare, AMT, cancelling the sequester, etc. Congress should stop wrangling over what they can never agree on and take up the pieces of legislation they can now pass given the increase in revenue projections from new tax revenues.


It should be clear that the Republicans desperately want cuts to Medicare and Social Security cuts but do not want to take any responsibility for them. That is why they will not say what cuts they want, or for that matter, what loopholes they want to close to increase revenue. This of course follows running on how the President cut Medicare.

Pres. Obama has been clear what he wants on revenue, I would think that the Republicans should not also force him to list the cuts they want.

So instead we will continue to let the rest of the world think we are ungovernable when they hold up increasing the debt ceiling to force agreement for cuts they want. And we can succeed, again, in tanking the economy.

And this one is the top comment with over 128 recommends:


I know this whole “Democracy” thing is a lot of smoke and mirrors, and is largely a charade, but The American People spoke in November, and we support President Obama’s plan, and overwhelmingly agree that the wealthier among us need to pay more than the rest of us.

The real crime here is that no matter what happens, it seems likely that the “Romney Rate” on income earned from dividends will barely budge up from its current 15%. Keep in mind that dividends were counted, and taxed the same, as regular income before the Bush Tax Cuts were put in place (at 39.6% marginal rate).

That rate has dropped from 39.6% to just 15%. That is what the GOP donors are really fighting for, the preservation of this lop-sided, unjust, and class warfare tax rate that does nothing but suck wealth out of this economy.

Pretty much.
Let’s do it.  Mano a mano. Let’s fight this class war.

7 Responses

  1. Here’s an article that demystifies a lot of what they are blabbing about

  2. Go team Human Being! Over the cliff and off with their heads!

  3. The jig is up God, I hope so.

  4. Let’s start with the Republican congressman from Staten Island, Mike Grimm. Grimm is one of 37 House Republicans elected in November with less than 55% of the vote. It is worth noting that the Koch brothers are lobbying hard for NO aid for Sandy . Take a look, Staten Island.

    Three other Republicans from upstate New York need to take a hard look. Christopher Gibson, Thomas Reed and Chris Collins were also elected with less than 55% of the vote.

    So was Jon Runyan from south Jersey.

    I compiled the complete list. Michigan had the largest number with five. The gerrrymander there was probably a bit too extreme to last the decade. Since we have Michiganders here, the five are Dan Benishek, Jusrin Amash, Fred Upton, Tim Walberg, and Kerry Bentivolio.

    PA has three (Mike Kelly, Keith Rothfus, and Joseph Pitts). OH has three (Bill Johnson, David Johnson, Jim Renacci). IN has two (jackie Walorski, Larry Bucshon). MN has two (John Kline, Michelle Bachmann). FL has two (Steve Souherland, Vern Buchannan). IA has two (Tom Latham, Steve King). And CA has two (Jeff denham, Buck McKeon).

    The others are singles: Rodney David, IL; Paul Ryan, WI; Scott Rigell, VA; Andy Barr, , KY, Richard Hudson, NC; Lee Terry, NE; Kevin Kramer, ND; Steve Daines, MT; Scott Tipton, CO; and Joe Heck, NV.

  5. When Tom Smith (R-Teabag) ran against Bob Casey Jr he put out an ad accusing Casey of being a lifetime politician. That ad went away when me and others pointed out that Casey was a teen when Joe Pitts got into politics. Republican voters suffer from cognitive dissonance they’ll agree with Smith that lifetime pols should be ousted but vote for one. These people are lost to reasonable persuasion so the only way to get rid of republican pols is to GOTV Democrats and Independents.

  6. I notice that the last comment-from-voters highlighted in the post said that ” the majority has spoken and has voted for Obama’s plan.”

    Does a majority-of-that-majority, or even a plurality-of-that-majority, or even 1 single member of that majority . . . understand that it is oBAma’s plan which involves cutting our Social Security? That it is oBAma who invented the Bowles-Simpson Catfood Commission? That it is oBAma who proposed the so-called “Payroll Tax Holiday” and conned the Democratic officeholders into agreeing to it? And that it is oBAma who wants to make that so called “Payroll Tax Holiday” permanent, so as to defund SS enough to “create yet another funding crisis” to extort the cuts he has ALways wanted to SS?

    The MS BM has been very good at catapulting the propaganda . . . from Peterson and from Obama.

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