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Scary Sarah and the He-Man Woman Haters Club

She's got lady parts and she's not afraid to use them!

From The DailyCaller:

Pres. Obama is the best fundraiser the Dem Party has, but his drawing power is way down from its peak during the ‘08 campaign.

Obama is heading to MO and NV today to raise money for Sec/State Robin Carnahan (D), running for an open Senate seat, and Senate Maj. Leader Harry Reid.

But Carnahan’s campaign wasn’t able to completely sell out the Folly Theater, where Obama will appear for a grassroots event on Carnahan’s behalf, at the prices they wanted. Tickets once priced at $250 are now going for $99, while $35 tickets are half.

I find that little story interesting because two weeks ago Sarah Palin was in my neck of the woods, giving a speech at a fundraising dinner at my alma mater, CSU Stanislaus. Despite what whoever kidnapped Joan Walsh might think about Palin, the people who plunked down $500 a plate to hear Palin speak at the sold-out event gave her a standing ovation.

Times are tough over in Obamanation. The honeymoon is over for Obama and the media and his approval rating is going down faster than Larry Craig in a men’s room. The economy is in the tank, our military is still in Iraq and “Hope and Change” has turned into “Crash and Burn.”

Things were so much better two years ago when except for a few paranoid shrieking holdouts (that’s us) there were few people who could have predicted that putting an inexperienced empty suit who was financed by Wall Street and other corporate special interest money in the Oval Office would turn into an historic clusterfuck.  Now all those arrogant creative class types who thought they were smarter than us bitter old racists are trying to figure out rationalizations that absolve Obama and themselves of any blame.

If they had any shame or self-respect they would perform seppuku or at least STFU for a decade or two until they learn wisdom.  But Kool-aid addicts are the worst kind of dope fiends – no tweekers or heroin addicts ever fucked off a whole country before.

So you really can’t blame the Sippy-Kup Kidz for trying to relive those glorious days when unhinged misogyny ran unfettered through Left Blogistan and Ms. magazine declared that Barack “99 Problems but a bitch ain’t one” Obama was a feminist super-hero.

I get the feeling that over in the “War Room” at Salon Steve Kornacki is probably wearing his “Sarah Palin is a c**t” tee shirt:

I absolutely agree with this assessment of Sarah Palin’s 2012 general election prospects from Daniel Larison:

If she did somehow [win the nomination], Democrats would spend most of the summer and fall of 2012 rubbing their eyes in disbelief at their good fortune… [A] ticket headed by Palin would be hard-pressed to break 40%. Palin as the nominee would probably make 2012 the most lopsided election victory for the incumbent President since 1984.

But the example of ’84 is worth looking a little closer at, because it shows how Palin — or a candidate as potentially disastrous as her — could theoretically manage to win the Republican nomination.

I’m not going to waste your time and mine explaining why Sarah Palin isn’t Fritz Mondale. Kornacki just needed to compare Palin to someone who got their ass kicked in the Electoral College and there’s only three people, they’re all Democrats and Mondale fit his premise better than McGovern.

I just want you to think about how many posts and/or columns at Salon or elsewhere in the Pro-Obama media have you seen describing all the reasons why Mitt “The Mormon” Romney or Piyush “Billy Ray” Jindal can’t possibly beat Obama and are crazy to even try? How often do you see a prog blogger going on and on about how stupid Newt Gingrinch is? For somebody who doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of winning they sure worry about that ditzy* chillbilly* an awful lot, don’t they?

To paraphrase Billy Shakespeare:

“Methinks they doth protest about the lady too much.”

But wait, there’s more!

I’ve (jokingly) said before that Sarah Palin’s vagina is haunted by evil spirits that drive her opponents insane. I’ve never seen anything quite like it. The GOPers hated Bill and Hillary with a passion but they generally behaved rationally while pursuing that hatred. But when it comes to Sarah the Obots either don’t realize how deranged they act or they realize it but are unable to restrain themselves.

Nothing could epitomize Palin Derangement Syndrome better than a gay man obsessed with Sarah’s uterus. Yep, I’m talking about Andy Sullivan. Sully has always been a few french-fries short of a happy meal, but he managed make people forget about hus years of CDS and Hillaryhate with his obsessive-compulsive need to “prove” his bizarre theory that Sarah isn’t Trig Palin’s mom, that she faked the pregnancy to protct Bristol, who is Trig’s real mother. At least Vince Foster was really dead.

Here’s what Sullivan had to say about Sarah’s chances of winning in 2012:

Know fear.

Well Andy, I’ve been there and I’ve done that. I knew fear for most of the eight years G-Dubya was in office. I knew he’d be a bad POTUS but he managed to exceed my expectations. That fear began to fade after the Democrats retook Congress, and I began to feel optimistic for the first time since SCOTUS selected Bush over Gore by a 5-4 vote.  I’m not feeling optimistic anymore

Obama and the new Democratic party scare me. I turned fifty this year and while I’m not old yet, I can see old from here. Right now there’s a pretty good chance I’ll have to keep working until I die, but that’s only if I’m lucky and don’t live too long. With Obama and the new Democrats ready to “privatize” (dismantle) Social Security I might end up having to choose between eating cat food and starving.  Even worse, I’ll probably have to buy cans of the generic kitty chow instead of the really tasty brand.

Right now my medical insurance plan is “don’t get sick until I’m old enough for Medicare, then don’t get too sick.” I could go on but the real point is that I not only have lost faith in our government to meet it’s obligations to me and my fellow citizens, I consider our leaders to be hostile to my interests.

Do you know who doesn’t scare me?  Sarah Palin.

I don’t agree with her on very much but she’s not batshit crazy like Bush or corrupt like Obama. There’s a few other things she’s not as well.

Palin is not stupid. Now I don’t think she’s a super smart uber wonk like Hillary Clinton, but who is?  Palin proved in the VP debate that as smart or smarter than Joe the talking donkey, and she’s far less prone to saying stupid shit.  Barack Obama said lots of stupid stuff during the campaign too, but he had the media covering for him.

The Obots don’t seem to grasp that not everybody shares their ow opinion of Sarah Palin.  She is a conservative Republican and a fundamentalist Christian and so are millions of other Americans, including some of my relatives. The way she dresses, the way she talks and the things she talks about may seem amusing to the young urban hipsters of Obamanation, but they’re not her target audience.

Palin supporters may not be hip but they don’t give a fuck.  They don’t think Sarah talks funny and even though they may have a college degree and work in an office they grew up in homes where people wore blue collars around red necks.  They have either cable or satellite television and they are familiar with this new-fangled internet thingie, so they’ve already heard all the shit there is to say about Sarah.

These people don’t like Sarah Palin, they LOVE her.  Their opinion of Sarah and their support for her are unlikely to change anytime son and certainly not because of anything Andy Sullivan or the other members of the PDS brigades throw at her.

Let’s finish with this little tribalist gem from Digby:

She is not a serious politician. She is a political celebrity/entrepreneur, collecting money from her fans to fund herself and sell her brand. To the extent that she is working for anyone but herself, she’s working for The Republican Party, bringing together some of the disparate strands of the conservative movement, striking the pose of the “outsider.” But that is the extent of her serious commitment to politics.

Palin is a “reality” entertainer. Look on the covers of the celebrity magazines and you’ll see lots of them. There’s a lot of money to be made by someone like her in merchandising alone, much less personal appearances, books etc. I’m guessing she’ll find herself on the personal growth/religious circuit too, along with her reality show on TV.

She is a creature of the new political media, maybe the first pure version of her kind. As soon as people grok that, her fund raising and touring will begin to make more sense. But I would be shocked if she would ever feel the need to subject herself to parochial elective politics again. It’s not where her talents and ambitions lie.

Yeah, Sarah Palin is like that actor dude who starred in Death Valley Days and Bedtime for Bonzo. Nobody took him seriously either, and then one day he was our “acting” President.


The Confluence is a liberal blog and does not support Sarah Palin blah blah blah.

She is a conservative pro-life  Republican yadda yadda yadda – do I really need to keep explaining this shit?

Here at The Confluence we don’t drink any flavor of Kool-aid.

143 Responses

  1. I wish I was totally Bat$hit crazy so I could get a high paying gig like all of those you’ve listed in this post. Unforntunately I’m sane and would be to embarrassed to be seen hanging around folks like these.

  2. There’s something TO Sarah Palin, hence the screaming terror of “the left” or whatever the “librul-elitist” boobs are callin’ themselves these days.

    • Amen. Digby and the “librul-elitists” are scared sh*tless. They can see November from their houses, and it ain’t lookin pretty.

      Wander around Digby’s comments sometime—her used-to-be-loyal commenters are calling her on the tribalism, freely calling Obama a failure and a liar, telling Digby to “grow up.”

      At some point, Digby will have to admit to herself that she, too, got played by the Obama people. She’s just not there yet, choosing to direct her verbal venom elsewhere.

      Sad, really.

      • Ain’t gonna happen.

      • Digby’s description fits the current occupant of the WH word by word.

        Do this people have any sense of irony?

        As for pictures of Palin on magazine covers, I don’t think she has posed for many of them, as opposed to the FLUTUS, who has succeeded in playing a fashionista airhead in the middle of a recession.

  3. Here’s what Egalia at TGW had to say about the Mama Grizzlies ad:

    It’s just too damn bad that the Dems don’t have a liberal woman, with the star power of Sarah Palin, doing for women on the left what Sarah Palin does for women on the right.

    • By the way, that’s the latest spin on Palin. To call her a brand (again, who does that apply to?? just asking.) I think Tina Brown started it.

  4. 🙂 This was great, myiq2xu!

  5. I agree with Digby insofar as Palin not wanting to subject herself to the harassment of public office again. Why should she? She can get paid a great deal of money for being the Repub. spokeswomen without having to do any real work. Sounds like a good job to me.

    But, unlike Digby–and many other faux progressives–I think it is a huge mistake to underestimate Sarah’s appeal. I agree with you, myiq, that too many people made the same mistake about not taking Reagan seriously (except for Obama, apparently, to whom Reagan was next to political godliness).

    • If Sarah decides not to run for elective office again I can’t blame her. But to claim she should not be taken seriously if she does run is stupid.

      • Agree. I think her messaging is superb–I just don’t agree with her messages. But that Mama Grizzlies ad has to appeal to a lot of women who see themselves as the defenders of their children’s future (whether or not they’re actively involved), and that’s the sort of gut-level message that appeals to our mostly uninformed voters.

        • If it’s uninformed voters that her message appeals to then that wud certainly be those who fell hook, line, sinker for Obama.

      • Great post , but I disagree with that the derangement was not as bad with the Clintons. As Peter Sellers would say ” It was Hell down there”.

        • Most of that derangement appeared after Bill was elected. The Obots are losing their shit over a losing candidate who currently holds no elective office.

        • It was hell down there, back when Bill was still governor. Most of the derangement didn’t magically appear after he was elected. There was a concerted effort to tear him down well before that.

    • It doesn’t appear she has decided what to do, but she is positioning herself to run in any case. If she runs, she’s got a good chance at a quick knockout and getting the GOP nomination. I know lots of Republicans in my big red state and they would like nothing more than to stick a dagger into their leadership.

      If she gets the nomination in 2012 and runs against Obama, would I feel really good about voting for her? I don’t know but I’ll do it in a heartbeat. Even with all the conservative positions, there seems to be a basic decency there that’s missing in other candidates.

      • It seems to be part of lefty dogma that “conservative = evil or stupid”

        That’s why lefties can’t figure out why they keep losing.

        • Hard for me to feel that way when 75% of the people I know are conservative 😉

          • I live in a blue dog district. Condit was my congressman and he was a founding member of the Blue Dog Coalition. Now I have Cardoza, and he’s just as bad.

            But the “primary them” theory won’t work here cuz liberals are an endangered species. If we did manage to beat Cardoza in a primary, we would end up with a conservative GOPer winning in November.

  6. gee, you could replace “he” for “she” in the quote of digby’s and it’d be a pretty good description of Obama.

  7. Sarah, in that 1.5 min ad had all the emotion of a hallmark card and it also gave a vision for women. Women seeing themselves making a difference.

    Sarah is very powerful. She speaks for many millions. Some in my very family.
    I am way far to the left of Sarah on many things, but I like her energy and steely eyed passion. A few of her ideas, I like a lot.

    Any method that we can get more women in positions of power, the more the conversation changes.
    Women are the change we need.

    I vow: To vote women first from now on…even if I do not agree 100%. I’m going female first.
    I’ll take the lib woman first , of course.So,
    Boxer will be my choice as Sen…

    but Meg vs Jerry…yikes!
    I may make exceptions to above vow.

    • Vote for women!


      great post miq.

      • I agree, both about voting for women and that this is a fabulous post myiq…one thing…Greta over at Fox has reminded us that today is also 26 years since the first woman Geraldine Ferraro was nominated for Vice President. Which I think is very telling, 26 years is a long ass time to have some sort of woman nominated for such a high office…who would have thought that it would be the Republicans in 2008 to finally break the drought. (Interesting that the Salon/Kornacki article pick the Mondale/Ferraro ticket to use as its “example.”) I may not agree with all of Palin’s thoughts (abortion being one of them), but that Mama Grizzly brand really speaks to me.

      • Meg will wreck the public schools – which are in horrible shape already… I just can’t do it…

  8. Excuse me, the Dems do/did have a woman with star power, intellect and experience, who worked her heart out for liberal causes. Her name is Hillary Rodham Clinton.

    To bad the “New” Democrats saw fit to minimize her accomplishments for an empty suit and tried their level best to throw her under the bus. But then, they did that with a lot of us.

    No one should ever underestimate Sarah Palin or her appeal. The Palin obsession by the “regressives” says everything that needs to be said.

    • Excuse me, the Dems do/did have a woman with star power, intellect and experience, who worked her heart out for liberal causes. Her name is Hillary Rodham Clinton.

      Yup, the Dems are just too myopic and self-destructive to have elected her when they had the chance.

  9. The Shadow Man cometh. Layoffs tomorrow at my site.
    The iPhone 4 finally came today but I’m afraid to activate it. I may just have to cancel the damn thing tomorrow.
    Say a little sutra for us.

  10. I actually agree with most of what Digby wrote in that blockquote. I don’t think Palin is running for elective office again. Those positions are straitjackets in a lot of ways, and I don’t get the feeling she’s eager to put one back on.

    I think the real reason there’s all this bs attention paid to Palin on the part of TV folk, the blogger boyz, and whatnot is because it drives up ratings and hits.

    Good luck tomorrow, RD.

    • If I was Palin I wouldn’t run, but then again I never would have run for office in the first place.

      I prefer to offer my unsolicited opinions from the safety of the bleachers.

    • Sometimes, I get the feeling that Digby and the DNC orgs are writing this stuff for me or who they think I am. I am not an Obama fan. I voted for Hillary. I registered a protest vote in 2008. Therefore, I must be a low information voter of small intelligence that must be shamed and belittled into not voting for Sarah Palin.
      It just never seems to occur to them that I’m a liberal independent who is fed up with Democrats not acting Democratic. I have no interest in Sarah Palin’s positions on a lot of stuff and I don’t want to vote for her. But that doesn’t mean she isn’t a very talented politician whose appeal is growing among some of the unterbussen.
      If Digby et al were smart, and they wanted to take attention away from Sarah, they’d play up Hillary.
      The present set of tactics aren’t working.

      • Wasn’t there a couple of small Hillary trial balloons floated in the past few weeks? Maybe the right floated them instead of the left.

        • When she runs – if she runs – I’ll support her.

        • They’ve almost ALL been coming from the Right. I don’t WANT the left talking about Hillary right now. Every time she’s in the public eye (unless she’s there serving Obama in some way) she gets slimed. Let her work quietly until the time comes to step forward.

      • Sarah Palin does not share my political ideology. But neither does Obama.

        I want a liberal President. If I can’t have that I’ll take one that is left of the center, like Hillary.

        But if I have to choose between a corrupt DINO conservative-in-progressive clothing like Obama or a Goldwater conservative like Palin, the choice is easy.

      • You and I are trailer trash! And I don’t hear anyone on either side seeing the independent LIBERAL. We don’t exist.

        • Not true. Chris Bowers knows we exist. It’s just that he thinks we’re still too tiny a subset to make a difference.
          And that might be true if the Democrats weren’t losing much of its base. But the more they splinter, the more we count.

          • The one thing we have in common, we bitter clingers is that we have voted religiously for 30 + years.
            We are informed and we are not uneducated.

            But, we are nothing but a bunch of hippies.

      • “If Digby et al were smart, and they wanted to take attention away from Sarah, they’d play up Hillary.”

        Yes, but that would mean that would need to admit they were wrong about Hillary. And those of us who supported her.

        Btw, sorry to hear the employers’ version of the Grim Reaper is stalking you. And this is what makes me so crazy when I hear some Republicans, blaming the woes of the economic tailspin on the unemployed. It could happen to any of us. Frankly, I wish the man with sycthe started stalking these politicians.

        Best of luck. I hate these serial layoffs.

      • “unterbussen”

        Did you just coin that?

      • They can’t play up Hillary without making Obie look bad. They bash Palin in order to make Obie look good. It’s about fluffing up Obama of course .

        Great post!

        I don’t agree with her on very much but she’s not batshit crazy like Bush or corrupt like Obama. There’s a few other things she’s not as well.

        She’s not batshit crazy or corrupt and so most likely she’ll never get the GOP nom….THEY don’t want her almost as much as Sully…she was lashed to the fake McCain campaign ( fake on the GOP ‘s part. , JM was running) ,in order to sink her and as punishment for the decent governing in AK, where she actually stopped corruption..the nerve!

        I don’t agree with her, but she seems willing to obverse the rule of law…that’s refreshing since 2000…but it ‘s another reason she’ll never be on a legacy party ticket…. however they will use her rain making power for sure, just as Hillary labored for other candidates for decades and then was pushed aside .

        Good luck today RD…we have been under the shadow of the axe for years…it’s awful…life goes on “hold”

        • But here’s the thing. The repub primary process is WAY less corrupt than the Dem version. If she has the public support, the party is less able to pull the rug out from under her. I think she has a chance.

  11. I didn’t think Palin would get the nomination because I was pretty sure General Petraeus would run. I thought this because (1) it was reported somewhere that Petraeus had a long, private meeting with Dick Cheney last spring, and (2) Petraeus was listed as the keynote speaker at our local Chamber of Commerce convention. I saw that and said, “Oh! He’s going to run the traditional way!”

    Then there was that flap with McWhatshisname and Obama appointed Petraeus to take his place, thereby killing two birds with one stone. Petraeus cancelled the CofC gig and flew back to DC.

    So now we have the usual oatmeal-flavored republican governors, Fox News commentators, and Sarah Palin. She’ll be tough to beat in the primary.

  12. Great homage to Palin and how her female energy, defiance and cheerfulness have the best chance of driving the Obots crazy. That’s an achievement I can support. And yes, Hillary was the next closest we had (have?) to that – which is why she had to be destroyed, of course.

  13. Oh, I’d like to ask you all to donate money to Juan LaFonta who is running for congress as a Democrat. He was a strong Hillary supporter here and stood by her when he was pressured to switch sides. He was a Hillary delegate.

    He’s a strong supporter of working class and middle class issues. He’s running against an opportunistic Obama wannabe whose was suspended from practicing law because he was running for a city council position when he wasn’t elgible to do so.(see http://www.nola.com/news/index.ssf/2008/12/rep_cedric_richmond_suspended.html )

    new orleans deserves an honest and trustworthy representative!


  14. John Ellis’s take Is Palin cranking up?

    He’s the Bush’s cousin.

    “She’s too stupid” is what the Establishment GOP really thinks about Sarah Palin. “Good-looking,” but a “ditz.” This is unfertile ground, since Palin can turn the argument on a dime and say: “They drive the country into bankruptcy, they underwrite Fannie and Freddie, they bail out Goldman Sachs, they fight wars they don’t want to win, they say enforcing the immigration laws is silly and they call me stupid! I’ll give you a choice: you can have their smarts or my stupidity, which one do you want?” A large number of GOP presidential primary voters will take Palin’s “stupidity” in a heartbeat.

    That’s a good argument to have.

    • The fact that the GOP establishment doesn’t care for Sarah Palin is a plus in my book.

      • The GOP of 2006 and 2008 were a real powerhouse there. If Republicans win big in 2010, Palin will have more to do with it than any establishment Republican.

        • Indeed…and they will punish her for that. If the Republican establishment was in anyway behind Palin, the likes of David Lettermen whould not whale on her…that go ahead is not from the left or right…it’s from the top.9999 percent . They will use her and then push her aside. imo…

  15. It’s really great to read an honest assessment of Sarah Palin, and her potential appeal to some of us who are liberal, but, as you put it, with roots that are ‘blue collar/red neck’. Perhaps we don’t agree with all of Palin’s positions, but her integrity is a refreshing and essential change.

    I think that with the Mama Grizzlies image, she has tapped into a true political mother-lode, a dynamic designed to enhance women’s sense of self-worth and political power — the exact opposite of the trashing women received at the hands of Obama and his scurvy little Obots. Their attempts to minimize her political savvy and yes– intelligence– show their fear of her. For that alone, I would have to vote for her.

    • After 2008 the Democrats are insane if they think they can take women’s votes for granted.

      And if Palin does become the GOP nominee then I predict using misogyny will backfire on the Democrats by driving more votes her way.

      • I’m trying to think of a single arguement Mr. Conscience clause and his Stupak brigade could make that wouldn’t sound assinine in regards to women’s rights.

    • Even assuming Palin is dumb, when has dumb ever been a deal-breaker for the White House? Look at the last decade?

  16. The Repubs are nothing if not opportunists.
    They clearly saw the power of Hillary’s traveling Pantsuit.
    That’s the raeson d’etre for Sarah.

    They saw a void when the smoke filled back room made Obama the nominee.
    Enter, power woman. Like a character from a novel…
    Fronteir woman , Sarah.

    All the while the smart, brilliant, passionate and far superior woman was poised. Only to be held down by the usual big boyz club. No Girls Allowed
    Well the GOP is now about to make the dems eat that.
    Get ready for the woman strategy.
    So, who is the real party of change?

    Hillary is our only answer to that.
    2012 is the year of Hillary.
    Or… I can hope, anyway.

    • Don’t forget the Tea Party. The populations is angry because of the state of the nation (due to Republican policies), and who gets to harness the anger and drive the narrative?? Republicans!

      • The Democrats could have done it first if they hadn’t sold out to the banks and the military-industrial complex. Americans were ripe for liberal ideas after years of Bush. And when the Dems took control in 2006, they ignored what Americans wanted and took care of corporations.

  17. The GOPers hated Bill and Hillary with a passion but they generally behaved rationally while pursuing that hatred.

    I disagree. The hatred of Bill and Hill was just as irrational, if not more, but the difference is that that irrational hatred befitted the right-wing.

    The Obama-Left’s hatred of Bill and Hill and their obsession with Palin just underscores the absurdity of how they claim to have some sort of moral high ground over the right-wing but really they’ve long since let go of it.

    • myiq has a point though. Even though the hatred of Bill and Hillary was cruel and irrational, it has a purpose which could be seen. They were the face of the Democratic party and taking them down would take the party with them.

      Maybe the fauxgressives are trying to make Palin the face of the GOP because they feel it’s easier to attack a woman with all the misogyny of ’08 than it would be to attack a man. That may be true, but if American women let them get away with that crap again, you will never see the end of it ever! It’s time to put a stop to it now, not later NOW!

      • Bill and Hill had their backs up against the national media from before the time Bill decided to even run in ’92. This is from Bill’s autobiography — he discusses a call he got from Roger Porter at the WH telling him that since he was the one Dem with a chance to win, they would have to destroy him if he decided to run:

        “Here’s how Washington works,” he said. “The press has to have somebody in every election, and we’re going to give them you.” He went on to say the press were elitists who would believe any tales they were told about backwater Arkansas. “We’ll spend whatever we have to spend to get whoever we have to get to say whatever they have to say to take you out. And we’ll do it early.”

      • “Maybe the fauxgressives are trying to make Palin the face of the GOP because they feel it’s easier to attack a woman with all the misogyny of ’08 than it would be to attack a man.”

        Yes, a woman “strawman” is BO’s wet dream.

    • I agree with Wonk. The effort to destroy Bill Clinton began while he was still Governor of Ark. And the hatred was crazy from day one.

  18. The sexist and classist tropes that Palin’s detractors use against her only shore up her Truwomanesque appeal amongst her fanbase. The more attention that is paid to her, the more money she makes, the more the Obama-Left clutches its pearls in horror at the poor deluded souls who are making her a celebrity. when the truth is, if there is any “bimbostein” here, the Obama-Left are the ones who created that monster, going to the extent of pilfering through dumpsters to get dirt on her as if she were the subject of a paparazzi investigation. They’re the poor deluded souls who have given her a lot of this supposed power that they fear.

    • Would you say the same about Bill Clinton?

      • Not the sexist part, but Hillary got that and then some for 16 years more than Palin did.

        Palin isn’t a policy wonk the way the Clintons are so it doesn’t play out exactly the same way, but there are some striking similarities in the way the press goes after the populist appeals of both brands.

        • Would they have kept going after the Clintons if they lost in 1992?

          • Based on everything I’ve seen, I wouldn’t bet against it.

          • very likely …it’s always just under the surface and busts out with the slightest non-provocation……imo that Joe Sestak thing was a set up to entrapment Bill and it will be interesting to see if the Clinton’s are in the subpoena cross hairs after the GOP take over the house and not Obie…that is if congress can even function that much as it used to.

  19. Hmmm. Just watched the Mama Grizzlies ad. It’s a great image and her voice over is strong, confrontational, and confident. No wonder she appeals to so many people and makes the blogger bots shake in their slippers.

  20. Wonderful post myiq!
    And ain’t schadenfreude fun:
    “Tickets once priced at $250 are now going for $99”
    September 16, 2008, 5:48 PM
    Obama’s Event the Buzz of Hollywood
     . . . 
    expected to raise more than $9 million, marking the evening as one of the richest in Hollywood’s fund-raising history . . . 
    Ms. Streisand was expected to perform with a five-piece band, followed by an address by Mr. Obama . . .

  21. ALERT! Realizing that B.O. lacks the enthusiam of the Dems who enabled him to win in 08, B.O. and Co. had to think of a way to energize Blacks to vote in the mid-term elections. I believe their strategy is this: proclaim (under the NAACP) that the Tea Partiers are racist or have racist elements—and hope that the angry response to this unfair charge will result in enough negative reaction so as to galvanize Black enthusiasm for voting! To avoid this trap, people should be careful not to overeact as—else this plays directly into their hands!

    • Playing the race card? What a novel idea!

      • Me-chelle’s keynote speech at NAACP was quite purposeful. She told them to “increase their intensity.”

        Sounds just like The One’s “get in their faces.”

        Enough, already. Racism is not the reason The One is incompetent.

    • Any African-Americans supporting the Tea Parties are not going to be swayed by the NAACP.

  22. Palin’s anti~choice beliefs are not a threat to Roe Wade as the Supreme court will not overturn it wheras the racists crooks that now run the gov will surely destroy the US if the folks of all political stripes don’t wake up and vote them out of office.

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