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Just One of Thousands of Reasons Why I’ll Never Fly Again

Nightmare at 20,000 feet

Nightmare at 20,000 feet

Here’s today’s police state update.

A BLIND INTERNATIONAL interpreter who says he was dragged off a Belgium-bound flight, arrested and held in custody in Philadelphia for hours without food or water faces an arraignment Thursday.

His crime: He questioned why his U.S. Airways flight was delayed nearly two hours.

Nicola Cantisani, 61, of Brussels, Belgium, a professional translator who has been blind since birth, was charged with resisting arrest and disorderly conduct, police said.

Apparently the plane Cantisani and his wife were on was sitting on the tarmac for about 2 hours with no explanation provided for the delay. Passengers couldn’t use their cell phones and were told to stay in their seats. I have been through this kind of experience, and it’s extremely frustrating when the airline crew won’t give you any information and you’re not allowed to leave the plane or even use the bathroom. I can’t even imagine what it would be like for someone who is blind. Isn’t it bad enough that you are treated like a criminal when you go to an airport these days? Can you believe my 83 year-old mom has several times been pulled out of line and patted down by airline security thugs? I haven’t flown since before 9/11, and I plan never to fly again. I prefer driving where I at least have the illusion of control over my surroundings.

Anyway, back to Mr. Cantisani and the horrendous ordeal that has given him posttraumatic nightmares. Continue reading