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About voter fraud in PA

This is the last post today. I’m going to clean out my future office and start painting it. So unless there’s earth shattering news, I’m disconnecting to listen to an audiobook. Yes, friends, there is a life that has nothing to do with monitoring Trump’s every oral bowel movement.

But I just saw this headline at the NYT and I thought I’d interject some commentary seeing as I live here:

I expect a lot of Republicans are going to point to our reaction to the 2016 election as proof of something. HRC lost this state by almost exactly the same number of votes that Biden won it in 2020.

But here’s the thing. In 2016, there was a lot of behind the scenes Russian interference and all kinds of skullduggery that we still aren’t fully aware of but may come to light in the coming days. It’s possible that HRC really lost here but there was no way of verifying that because we didn’t have a paper trail on our voting machines in 2016. And we didn’t have early voting. Everyone voted on the same day. Also, absentee voting was a limited thing.

For whatever reason (and I think there’s a reason that we don’t know about yet), in 2019, Legislation passed by a REPUBLICAN majority in PA allowed for mail in voting and paper trails on all of the machines. Maybe it had to do with court mandated redistricting and they wanted to eliminate any form of voter manipulation anywhere in the state. I don’t know what the actual reason was or why it is reported that some Democrats didn’t want mail in ballots.

But all in all, it was a good move and Gov. Wolf signed the bill. Voilé! Now every vote by every voter in the state can be tracked and counted. It keeps everyone honest. And isn’t that what we all want at the end if the day? Every American who is legally able to register to vote and cast a ballot should have their ballots counted regardless of whether they do it in person or at home with a barcoded, traceable mail in ballot.

When and if there is a recount in PA, they’re not going to find any voter fraud via mail in ballots. It just ain’t going to happen and if Trumpers in PA just sat down and thought about it for awhile, they’d come to this conclusion all on their own.

For Trump to prove fraud, he’d have to show how the f{#% voters got around the voter integrity measures that were put in place. He’d have to prove that all those poll monitors missed something. He’d have to show that the videos of the monitors watching the counts were doctored. He’d have to prove that the segregated ballots somehow got mixed in with the other ballots. I don’t think he can prove all that. The paper trail is clear. Every ballot was tracked.

This isn’t 2016.

I’m not surprised that there are PA Trumpers who are beside themselves with rage over Trump losing this state. I’m more than a little annoyed that so many of them dumped on the Democrats because of the lockdown and that they’re still living in la-la land where Covid is no worse than a nasty cold.

There are a lot of reasons for the rest of us to be extremely disappointed in the way Republicans voted this year. It’s like they chose to join the Sith instead of the Jedi and that’s the way the world sees them today. There are a whole lot of anonymous, mindless storm troopers out there. That shouldn’t have happened. It should have been a lot more obvious to the pissed off Trump voter that sticking with their guy was like cheering for Darth Vader as he was killing the younglings. Trump is a horror show. No. Don’t even. He is. And he’s acting like a baby right now, threatening to take us all down with him with a silly voter fraud suit that he has ZERO chance of winning.

I’m not going to tell them to get over it because what good would that do? Until they realize they’re being pumped full of adrenaline by their heros, they’re going to continue to hold a grudge and alienate people around them. No one wants to be around a frothing rage addict who weirdly sympathizes with the most unlikeable unsympathetic guy on the planet. It’s not sexy.

But I am fairly confident that Biden is the “duly elected president” in 2020 based on the avalanche of paper trails on voting machines and mail in ballots. And that’s something that Trumpers have absolutely no way to prove beyond a reasonable doubt about Trump in 2016. Go ahead, make Josh Shapiro’s day. He makes Trump’s legal team look like third rate amateurs holding a press conference at a landscaping company between a crematorium and an adult bookstore.

Actually, that wound was totally self inflicted. Even Democrats couldn’t wish for optics like that on their worst enemies but we’re delighted to remind people of them.

I’d say “suck it up, buttercup” but that would be rude and it does us no good to hurl insults at each other. It just polarizes us more, which is just the way Trump’s party likes it. Let’s just agree that you’ll end up distancing yourself from Trump in the next two months after the truth about him leaks out and Covid strikes down someone you know. Unfortunately, reality is going to have to kick some of you in the teeth before you get it.


One last thing: when the election is analyzed, it’s going to come out that Covid actually *helped* Trump’s turnout. That’s right, he turned failure to contain the virus into an asset because it allowed him to demonize the Democrats who had no choice but to impose economy destroying lockdown measures on their states. That’s what no federal testing strategy or PPE will do. It was a bet that the Trump party made that would enrage their biggest fans and turn them out. They really didn’t care how many lives were lost or jobs were furloughed or houses were foreclosed. It was cynical and immoral and it worked like a charm. That’s what Trump voters bought and supported when they went to vote. It’s hard to imagine anyone defending that without feeling shame.

I’m not sure they love Trump as much as they absolutely LOATHE Democrats. If anyone created the plandemic, it was the Trump party operatives.

3 Responses

  1. For the 1st time since 2000 we have verifiable voting in GA and GA flipped blue. Hmmm, it does make you wonder.

  2. The landscaping company incident is like something which would happen to Spinal Tap. 😆

    “Look, it’s right here on the napkin Mr. Giuliani drew on and gave to us. He ordered the MAGA letters to be 18 inches tall, not 18 feet tall. See? Two apostrophes, not one.”

  3. Orange Face *Cultists* do NOT realise that when he *promises* ……. it doesn`t mean anything .

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