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Leaders of yesteryear and today

Go Lincoln: Committment

Go FDR: Courage

Go Churchill: Resiliance

Go Reagan: Comfort

Go Clinton: Reassurance

Go Dubya: Activation

Go Obama: Humanity

Go Trump: ?

6 Responses

  1. I was thinking yesterday about some of our former Presidents. I wondered how many of them had human empathy. Some of the Republicans, I am not sure about, but I suppose that GW Bush had some, even though he had some terrible advisors. Reagan perhaps a bit. Democrats almost always do. Most people have some empathy. Trump has none, which is the big difference. I don’t think he cares a bit about any of this, except that it is an inconvenience for him. and his chances of keeping power. As soon as it is over, he’ll go right back to attacking Democrats, and everyone else who is not his sycophant.

    I know I shouldn’t do this, but after I had the last part of Trump’s “update” muted, I see Andrea Mitchell, who is very upset at how her colleague was treated. And what II mostly think about then is how Mitchell conducted a single-handed war against Hillary during the entire 2016 election. “Hillary Clinton has a trust issue,” was her daily phrase. She delved into emails as eagerly as if they were truffles. And this undoubtedly had some effect, on easily persuadable voters, people who wanted a rationale for staying home and not voting, or voting for a third-party candidate, or even Trump. She’ll never admit or believe it, but it is true. Actions have consequences. It stops being a fun game , at least for those who have to live with the consequences.

    • I didn’t like Bush and really didn’t trust Cheney. But that admin put together a plan to activate NATO, strike at Afghanistan and also to dig into the rescue efforts.
      It was the right action plan at the time.
      Too bad he didn’t stop at Afghanistan but at least his advisors knew where to point their guns in the beginning.

  2. Oh, yes, Go Trump!

    For the love of the Ascended Madoka, just GO!

    And take the 63 million Darwinian rejects who voted for you with you!

  3. And now for something completely off-topic: 😈

  4. That was a softball question. Even I, a mere lowly citizen, could have put together something on the fly about “we’re in this together” or “the best minds are working to fix this” or “it’s tough now yet our leadership team is already working on post pandemic plans, once the worst has passed, which it will”
    So easy, really. Up until this current POTUS, I had always believed that commanders-in-chiefs jumped at the chance to lead the nation through adversity and not only due to self promotion (although that is a significant motivator) but a recognition of the enormity of the situation and the immense trust that had put in their hands.
    This POTUS, dear gawd, is the opposite. Doesn’t want any involvement at all, except standing in front of the camera and self aggrandizing. Doesn’t care, hates to be bothered, but won’t step aside for others to lead the way.

  5. Trump informs us that he has had great conversations with the leaders of Canada and Mexico. He has also spoken to ten thousand business leaders yesterday, well, the representatives of them, he clarifies. What he talked to them about, he does not say. He also wants us to know that he talked to religious leaders. He says it twice, religious leaders. What he has talked to them about, he does not say, but he has talked to them This is what the media dutifully sees fit to broadcast for an hour and a half each day, and it will continue. It is propaganda, nothing more.

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