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Following the Impeachment.

There are some people I trust to cover the public impeachment hearings and subsequent vote. These would include Preet Bharara, the legal specialists on MSNBC, including Neil Katyal, Jill Wine-Banks and Barbara McQuade, Susan Simpson @theViewfromLL2, and Heidi Li Feldman, law professor at Georgetown U.

Susan Simpson is hilarious as well as incisive so I’m looking forward to her take. Preet and his Cafe Insider co-host Anne Milgram, former NJ AG, could be possibly the best legal pair podcasting.

I’m open to other suggestions, as well as a format.

For example, what TV channel should we link to in the morning? I tend to like CSpan and PBS for as much “objectivity” and fewest commercial breaks. I tend to steer away from CNN because in their attempts to look fair to both sides, their commentary sections devolve into a bait ball frenzy, loud and noisy voices spouting the latest talking points, and usually no new information.

We know how Fox News will cover this but does anyone want to take one for the team and watch it for trending memes so we can try to get out ahead of them? Maybe we can take turns.

How about an evening summary? Could we include the day’s most revealing moment? How the witness narrative is developing? Is it coherent? What are the ways the other side is attempting to obfuscate? Nightly poll of how likely Trump is to being impeached in the senate based on what has been revealed?

Resources. Should we have a section on resources, depositions, relevant news articles, significant contemporaneous tweets, letters, emails?

Put your suggestions in the comments below.

8 Responses

  1. “I tend to like CSpan ”

    Moi aussi. But then I believe I’m approaching their prime demographic.

  2. Watch Fox News? But I promised myself to consume stuff that makes me healthy. Drinking blinding moonshine is probably healthier for me, to be honest 😛

  3. I will probably watch MSNBC. I assume they will have good people doing commentary, like Nicolle Wallace and Ari Melber, plus the legal analysts you mentioned. But of course they could have guests from both sides, they seem to keep putting Carlos Carbello on.

    I could not stand to watch Fox. But I bet that we could anticipate all their takes without even watching. As Sherlock Holmes said, one needs to consider one’s opponent, and think like they do. Pick the stupidest and most deliberately slanted interpretations, and be confident that this is what they will say. The witnesses are biased. They weren’t on the call. (not until Vindman, and they’ll say he is biased or a counterspy). No one said the words “quid pro quo.” Zelensky said he wasn’t pressured, so the witnesses are wrong. The Democrats wouldn’t let them call Hunter Biden, so it is a farce. They want to reverse the election. It is terrible for the country. Schiff is corrupt. Pelosi’s district is full of drugs. Trump is concerned about corruption, he said so himself. What about the first call? The economy is great, and the Democrats are socialists. They didn’t lay a glove on him. Wait until Barr starts arresting people, and the Republicans hold hearings.

    Supposedly this is set up to have powerful information in the first hour; the Democrats learning from the Mueller hearing, when 80% of the media wrote its stories after the first hour. Republicans always know it is all about spin, that is one of their few skills. I hope that there will be enough people on who can instantly refute it. I will watch. I watched the Watergate hearings all through the summer of 1974.

    • Well, I guess it was 1973, oh, well. And I see that MSNBC will have Nicolle Wallace, good, and Brian Williams, not. Maybe I should watch CSPAN after all, or switch around.

    • I love Nicole Wallace but sometimes I wonder if it’s a good thing to watch too much cable news.
      What about an international resource? Got any suggestions?

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