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Seven Score and Five Years Ago

Abraham Lincoln at Gettysburg

Abraham Lincoln at Gettysburg

On November 19, 1863, some skinny dude from Illinois gave a speech:

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation, so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate—we can not consecrate—we can not hallow—this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

They don’t make ’em like that anymore.

(h/t Helenk)

89 Responses

  1. And he said it all without a teleprompter.

  2. And he said it all without a teleprompter.

    Well, there is that back-of-the-envelope legend. See, it’s exactly the same!

    [spits out kool-aid] Oops, sorry for that.

  3. Ah, Lincoln, a man of integrity and humility.

  4. Now THAT is a true statesman.


  5. TL is reporting that Daschle will not only be HHS head but also health czar, which means he’ sbe th eone writing th enew health care reform.
    Anyone kicking up a fuss about his lobbyist wife’s connections? http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/features/2001/0201.mencimer.html
    Of course not.

  6. and in 2008 another skinny dude from Il gave a speech..
    “..I may not look like the other presidents on the dollar bills…”

  7. I make poopie in my pants!

  8. Unlike George the Lesser, the stress of war was literally killing Abe.

  9. myIQ I am in moderation — save me!

  10. catarina – Oba-Moi strikes again!

    Paul Jennings – the “myth?”

    Oh my.

    I suggest you spend some time at these sites (google them if you know how):

    Talking Points Memo
    Daily Kos

    Then come back here when you have a clue about ObamaNation. MmmmmKay?

  11. Ha ha, Paul, maybe commenters on the previous thread were right and you can’t read.

    There’s multiple avalanches of CDS-riddled articles and posts from the entire MSMinfotainmentsphere of the left going back years.

    Oh, and those issues you care more about? (bwahah, I can hardly breathe for laughing). Obama’s not gonna go your way on a single one. He doesn’t even care enough about his supporters to throw them a bone. Obama played you all like a fiddle, and you’re still scraping around trying to come up with justifications. I guess he just wasn’t the Obama you knew!

    Valhalla haka 👿

  12. No one has suffered more than George and Laura, myiq.

  13. Being a little bit thrown under the bus — sounds like being a little bit pregnant.

  14. It’s funny watching Paul trying to rationalize his cognitive dissonace. Sad.

  15. When I read history and some of the great people of this country and see what some of settled on today,i could cry.
    How do we tell future generations we gave up the greatness of this country and settled for gwb and backtrack?
    There have many times in the history of this country that greatness was needed, who do we have today that could even begin to understand what is needed?
    Senator Clinton tried but her own party sabotaged her and the country.
    What do we tell the children?



  16. Daschle’s been all over the place on abortion rights

  17. what did Daschle say back home when first running for Congress in 1978:

    To hold his Democratic base together enough to prevail in the election and avoid McGovern’s impending fate, Daschle emphasized his Catholic credentials. Daschle sent a letter to voters saying “I am opposed to abortion. I do not support it. I have never supported it. It is an abhorrent practice. As a citizen and as a lifelong member of the Catholic faith I will do everything in my power to persuade others that abortion is wrong.” To solidify his Catholic bona fides, Daschle enclosed a letter from eight Catholic nuns saying “We know and we tell those with whom we speak of your abhorrence for abortion — and of your commitment to life.”

  18. From 1986:

    On November 1, in response to criticism of his abortion record, Daschle sent a letter to voters stating that “I am unalterably opposed to abortion on demand” and casting the issue as “a battle over human life.” Daschle enclosed a letter to him from a minister, who vouched for Daschle’s pro-life credentials: “I remember some of the very personal, deeply soul-searching conversations we’ve had on this subject. You used expletives like ‘repulsive’ and ‘gross’ in underscoring your abhorrence of abortion. You even said it is a form of murder, and I believe you are right. The bottom line is you are as opposed to abortion as I am.”

  19. Kat – he only scores 50% with NARAL. Considering how easy it is to get 100% with these people, I’d say he’s not so hot.

    Tom Daschle on abortion

  20. Well, I bet NARAL and NOW are celebrating now! Good thing they endorsed The One so early. It gave them considerable leverage over Obama’s pro-choice political strategy. Whew!

  21. among Linda Daschle’s clients is American Airlines, which has had six fatal crashes since 1994 (not even including the World Trade Center flights). The airline has incurred thousands of dollars in federal fines for a host of safety violations, and its employees have been caught in embarrassing drug smuggling stings. Even as its planes have crashed, American has lobbied for years to water down safety and security regulations that might have helped foil the World Trade Center attacks. Yet thanks in part to lobbying efforts by Daschle—and support from her husband—American Airlines got a free pass in the recent airline bailout bill, escaping most legal liability for the hijackings and getting $583 million in cash grants—taxpayer money it will never have to repay.

  22. I read on a comment at TL that Obama had a good blurb on Daschle’s book on healthcare (look in the advanced praise section)

    (That reminds me of someone else Obama gave a good book blurb to

    This Week’s ESP- January 27, 2008

  23. Daschle’s a hack … watching him go through confirmation is going to be interesting … the one thing the rethugs do right is pull out all the stops during these kinds of things when they’re in the minority status

  24. Valhalla – I wonder if Daschle will overturn that awful HHS rule Bush snuck in at the last minute? Or will his “conscience” be too delicate?

  25. that’s so funny Daschle, Emmanuel, and Holder …

    if those aren’t beltway boys with beltway ways… i’m an eggplant ….

    and this is the change we can believe ?


  26. It was a warm squishy poopie!

  27. maybe Obama will make Cheney secretary of defense and we can generate more change like that

  28. At least The One isn’t picking the same tired old DC insiders, the same old politics as usual! Oh, wait …

  29. Next thing you know will have Rumsfeld in charge of getting the troops out of iraq and closing down gitmo …

  30. meet the new boss, same as the old boss

  31. Paul keeps attacking us instead of refuting anything we say.

    Obama’s entire campaign was a lie. Deal with it, Paul. DEAL WITH IT.

  32. FYI to the tr0IIz, just because you’re under the bus now doesn’t mean you have to hang around here. Srsly.

  33. Paul,

    I think you and other Obama supporters should smell the coffee and recognize the obvious: you have been Obama’s useful idiots. And, now that he’s elected, you aren’t useful anymore.

  34. Paul, wouldja get a fucking life already?
    nobody gives a shit what you think.

  35. really, Paul, this is a huge bus fleet here, go pick on the folks at black agenda report … they didn’t like that one, either … go spread the wealth over there

  36. Poor Paul,

    I understand. Your illusions have been shattered so quickly that you don’t know what to do expect to lash out and try and divert attention away from that fact.

    I feel your pain.

  37. Paul — why do you care who we voted for (and plenty of us voted 3rd party or topless) — it isn’t the guy WE VOTED FOR who lied to us & who has flipped-flop on EVERY ONE of his campaign promises. Heck, he isn’t even actually “President-Elect” yet — what fresh hell will he bring next?

  38. And as for being thrown under the bus — that was by B0 & the DNC way back in March — get with the f*cking program. If Hillary accepts SoS we will not be “pissed” at her — we will be extra worried that things must really be worse then they appear for B0 to admit he is unqualified & needs her help.

  39. this is probably the most attention the tr*ll has received in his entire life.

  40. frankly0,

    Good way of putting it. In that same vein, here’s a post I left in Salon TableTalk where people were still trying to spin the Daschle appointment:

    “So how does a$$ taste?

    It’s not like Obama hasn’t been showing you so-called “progressives” his a$$ for months (e.g. FISA, campaign financing, etc.). Most of you were content to eat it up and make dubious rationalizations. Apparently, after the latest indication that he is “not the Obama you thought you knew”, some of you are finally tired of pretending that a$$ is chocolate mousse while others are still holding on to illusions.”

  41. Paul — you don’t know what being a “real Democrat” means if you think B0 is one.

  42. Paul
    How does it feel to be expendable?
    You voted for backtrack and now you are no longer needed until he decides he wants something from you.
    Sorry for you but backtrack was born under a one way sign.
    so sad too bad its on you



  43. Is it the koolaid that makes the tr0IIz use “we” instead of I? Is that a royal “we” or a borg “we”?

  44. ks – LOL!

  45. ks — LOL — Love it — Paul — what ks said! Keep on pretending a$$ is chocolate mousse.

  46. Paul-you are the only one here “gnashing” their teeth.
    Don’t you have a job?

    Maybe Obama will find a place for you in his administration..give him a call!

  47. votermom — definitely the borg “we” — they are the opposite of royal.

  48. Don’t talk to it. It’ll start to forget its place!

  49. Dammit — I love poking fun @ tr0lls — especially unusually stupid ones like today — but I have to get back to work. xoxo

  50. This is a very well-written article about Obama from the Black Agenda Report, speaking of them.

  51. WP admin is moving sloooooooow today

  52. myiq – my blog crashed for a while. Silly me, I suspected nefarious tr0llish activity.


  53. To: Paul Jennings, Troll 3rd class

    From: Trollmaster Axelrove

    Get out there and take one for the team!

  54. hey, did you guys see that Cheney and Gonzales were indicted in South Texas?

    Wouldn’t it be nice if something came of this?

  55. How did Daschle get to be an expert on health care?

  56. One day when I used work on the psyche unit, the staff was on break ; and lef to our own devices decided to give ourselves “white and black names” ,, … the AA people would make up white names for themselves as if they were white and and the white peole make up black names etc etc
    it was hilarious ,well … we laughed so hard … we were a tight team …a little nutters but hey we had the keys to the locked unit ..
    ( there is no rhyme or reason as to what people who work on a psyche unit do for fun and/ or to relieve the heavy stress ; I guess in our own demented way we were making fun of racial stereotypes on both sides , now that I think of it , it very well may have been a response to something horribly inappropriate a psyche patient said when they were sick , ) but anyway , my name was Aubergine, it is the color of an eggplant…. I still love it … so you dont have to be an eggplant …Dakinikat … 😉

    because this change we can believe in ??

  57. plural, he wrote a book.
    Write one book on an issue you get a cabinet appointment.
    Write two books about yourself you get to run for president.

  58. Isn’t odd this post was about one of the greatest Americans in history and the obots can not take the time to read what America stands for.



  59. And apparently Hillary’s spending years on health care, including talking to many real people about it, doesn’t count as much as writing one book.

  60. I want to make a toy for this holiday season … It will be a bus .. and every time you press the button to blow the horn …
    from somwhere underneath comes the voice of someone who is under it with an appropriate quote
    and we all know who will be at the wheel ,,and it will have that little possum seal on it and everything …………

    damm I am gonna be a millionaire …..

    just curious IS there a presidential bus?? maybe he could go green and take the bus instead of flying HE SAID we have to sacrifice , so i would guess he will show us by example ….

  61. plu, Hillary doesn’t have one of those dangly bits.

  62. plural – Quid pro quo. I’m sure this was the payback for Daschle’s extremely enthusiastic support of Obama.

  63. swannie – LOL! Brilliant!

  64. ks, LOL!

    Maybe that’s why I was never an obot. I love chocolate too much and can always taste the difference between the good stuff and a$$.

  65. vm, yup. That’s what it’s all about.

  66. dakinikat: “Next thing you know will have Rumsfeld in charge of getting the troops out of iraq and closing down gitmo …”

    ROTFL. OMG the Conflucians are on a roll today!

  67. Swanspirit @3:04p
    I like your idea of the talking bus.
    Every one should have one to remind them of what happened in this election cycle and make sure it never happpens again.



  68. dakinikat, on November 19th, 2008 at 2:20 pm Said:
    From 1986:
    On November 1, in response to criticism of his abortion record, Daschle sent a letter to voters stating that “I am unalterably opposed to abortion on demand” and casting the issue as “a battle over human life.” Daschle enclosed a letter to him from a minister, who vouched for Daschle’s pro-life credentials: “I remember some of the very personal, deeply soul-searching conversations we’ve had on this subject. You used expletives like ‘repulsive’ and ‘gross’ in underscoring your abhorrence of abortion. You even said it is a form of murder, and I believe you are right. The bottom line is you are as opposed to abortion as I am.”

    Gee, I wonder if all the feminists and pro-choicers who supported Obama are starting to wonder if maybe they shouldn’t have fallen for that carrot-on-a-stick ploy… AGAIN.

  69. madamab, Great article! Thanks for the link. I’m bookmarking it.

  70. Why do you guys keep making conversation with a guy who poops in his pants?


  71. The acid test for me will be whether or not Daschle kills that Bush HHS rule. He should be able to do that right away.

    If not, well, we know exactly why he was appointed instead of a more reliably pro-choice politician.

  72. Yeah, by the time I get here the troll posts have always been “edited for content,” LOL. Great job guys!

  73. ITA madamab. It will be the acid test. We’ll just have to see if he passes it.

  74. Thank you for posting the Gettysburg Address and the photograph of A. Lincoln.
    I’m not a big flagwaver, but just reading his speech brings tears to my eyes and reminds me why the concept of America is worth fighting and dying for.

  75. Dow at this moment 117. 15 away from breaking the barrier of 7000..

    omg .. it just changed to 113.64 … here is the interactive chart .. it changes … etc .. if anyone is interested ..


    .. now .. 101… 30 .. YIKES !!!!

  76. cripes .. 8,095.17..!!!!

  77. OMG Briana!!!


    Dakinikat, help!! What is going on here…

  78. I love the Gettysburg address, and I adore Abraham Lincoln . I have a bit of an obsession with him, I think he is such an incredible figure , in so many ways and completely fascinating in his brilliance and his personality.. He is one of the greatest ever presidents. That picture of him is amazing . Thank you for posting this .

  79. It’s called “panic.”

    Nobody anywhere is providing any reason for confidence, and that’s what it’s all about. Confidence.

    Just the last thing we need, of course, is a political transition when this financial crisis is happening.


  80. 10. U.S. Oct. housing starts, building permits at record lows
    8:31 AM ET, Nov 19, 2008

    U.S. Oct. housing starts fall 4.5% to 791,000 annual rate
    8:31 AM ET, Nov 19, 2008

    17. U.S. Oct. building permits fall 12% to 708,000 annual rate
    8:31 AM ET, Nov 19, 2008

    and …

    U.S. Oct. consumer price index falls record 1%
    8:31 AM ET, Nov 19, 2008

    03. U.S. Oct. consumer price index falls 1% vs 0.9% drop seen
    8:31 AM ET, Nov 19, 2008

    04. U.S. Oct. core CPI down 0.1% vs rise of 0.1% expected

    1. Housing is still dropping. I wouldn’t expect the markets to recover until it shows signs of bottoming.

    2. The CPI looks deflationary but most of it was energy, the core wasn’t bad. Recessions are deflationary. I doubt it is as serious as the market thinks it is long term due to the helicopters of money that invariably can’t find my house.

    Seems as if we will have a severe recession…… Europe and japan and now Asia are all having the same recession we are. Those are our trading partners.

    Then the business cycle, and housing-credit bubbles collapsing. A lot of cycles are coming together in synchronicity. Information evolves slowly in recessions ……because really, no one knows yet and everyone is lacking crucial information because it doesn’t yet exist…..

  81. Madamab – I love your edits! 🙂

  82. New thread up

  83. Bush and the Congressional Dems are playing chicken over the auto industry, and investors see this, not surprisingly, as a lack of seriousness.

  84. Joanelle – Myiq’s editing this thread. Credit where credit is due!


  85. i will post this here as my computer(wiho I named ADAM for a damn agravating machine} keeps kicking me out of the upper thread blog.
    On Hot Air there is a comment by someone named Leba posted today at 2:19p
    She says that 2 days after the election backtrack’s campaign workers were paid in gift cards and not in full. Many were short as much as 50%.
    How can this be verified?



  86. helenk, on November 19th, 2008 at 6:25 pm Said

    My computer was kicking me out of the above thread too.

  87. They don’t make ’em like that anymore because nobody cares enough to try. Everyone is worried about their “image” so that means not standing out there enough to actually try something that fails too. Lincoln made a lot of mistakes and he wasn’t that popular. He barely won election (only because the Democrats split) and barely won reelection. He was so unpopular half the time, he almost felt a need to apologize for being the president. He made mistakes in abandon, but eventually he learned from the mistakes and did some things right. In Sept. 11th 2002, rather than write their own speeches, politicians copied his Gettysburg Address. Couldn’t risk writing their own! SAd!

  88. lellingw, at 8:05 pm Said:”

    “In Sept. 11th 2002, rather than write their own speeches, politicians copied his Gettysburg Address. Couldn’t risk writing their own! SAd!”


    Sad, perhaps. But why compete with a classic? Better to be silent once in a while.

  89. I did not get it so I did the math. score = 20. 7 score is 140.

    today 2008-145 = 1863 the year of the speech.

    I find Lincoln more powerful today then years ago as a kid they were just words. Today the words rip at my heart.

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