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The Pensieve

pensieveThese silvery threads form some sort of pattern:

  • DailyKos is now asking non-Obamaphiles to pre-admit their guilt (for supporting someone other than Obama) and check a box agreeing that their previous post was Muslim-baiting or racist or some other damn thing, before they are allowed to continue posting. I swear to God, when I went to YearlyKos06, none of this $%#^ was in evidence. It was like one big family reunion. That started to change at YearlyKos07 when Edwards started rolling out the big guns against Clinton. I understand why he did it. It was nothing personal. Just politics. He got caught unprepared when the Obama juggernaut started up ao he went after the base with hard hitting and not always fair anti-Hillary screed. She was the biggest corportaist, triangulating, establishment loving, lobbyist ass-kissing senator that ever lived. That’s when he thought Clinton was his biggest threat. If he had more clearly seen the threat from his right, all of these accusations would have been hurled at Obama, with slight variations, and it would have been a lot more accurate. But nevermind, his supporters were genuine, maybe a little too pure but their hearts were in the right place. Many Edwardians are still struggling and that’s OK. Give them a little breathing room. But Obamaphiles are a completely different breed altogether. So, Kos isn’t even pretending there is anything approaching objectivity with the frontpagers. I think we can be pretty certain that KagroX is the grand poo-bah of Obamamania. (Yeah, I never liked you either, KX) DailyKos is in the grip of something transforming. And not in a good way. At one point, it was taken seriously, presidential candidates spoke to it, Kos was featured on PBS Frontline specials, we gave David Brooks fits. Not anymore. Now it has become the parody that Brooks once claimed it was. It is full of rabid lambs- feckless foaming at the mouth fanatics. How the mighty have fallen. Kos may think we will come back after the primaries but that would be like hanging out with people who now run with a different crowd. One that does some pretty hard #$%^ and drive recklessly and don’t do their homework anymore and are in danger of dropping out of school to work as itinerant gas station attendants. There but for the grace of God go I.
  • The same weirdly annoying thing is happening to Josh Marshall at TalkingPointsMemo. Today, he has a piece up about John Lewis retracting his support of Hillary as if this is an earth shattering event instead of further evidence of Barack Obama’s solidification as an African-American candidate. He has now successfully cornered that 15% of the population. His campaign strategy is to try to win large urban areas of the remaining states. Jeez, you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to see what’s going on here. If anything, Lewis’s defection is more evidence of Clinton’s strength as a candidate. Then, there is the title of another piece, “Top Hillary Advisors Repeatedly *Griped* about MSNBC’s Matthews” but if you click on the original post at The Horse’s Mouth, Greg Sargent uses the word “complained”, not “griped”. Complain is something we as consumers do when we want to report a problem. Gripe is what we do around friends and family and sounds a lot like “bellyachin'”. Surely Josh knows these words connote two different things, one more legitimate than the other. Now, I ask you, is this the way a mature, soon to be father of two should behave? As if the news is somehow malleable and can be molded to shape you preconceptions? I thought that was what the mainstream media was all about. Who can you trust anymore if you can’t trust TPM?
  • Oddly enough, DailyKos is not in FireDogLake’s blogroll anymore. Yep, and neither is TPM. I can’t hardly say I blame Jane, Christy et al. They got dissed by the big boys even though their coverage of the Libby trial puts them in a class by themselves. They’ve also taken great pains to be objective journalists. That doesn’t mean they haven’t been passionate or that they haven’t made mistakes. But in their coverage of the primaries, they appear to be holding the candisates to higher standards and are avoiding the hagiographic tributes to one over the other. Classy!

One other thing: In the month that The Confluence has been in existence after my tragic exile from Dailykos (Narf!), we have had over 10,000 hits. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that I’d have so many people reading anything I’ve written. If I’d known this would happen, I would have taken more writing classes and paid more attention to sentence structure and editing. But you guys put up with my mismatched subjects and verbs and I thank you for that. I hope that in the NEXT month, a few of you readers will take me up on my offer to collaborate. RonK is a fantastic writer and his posts are very informative so I hope he finishes his touch-ups on the ones he has planned. But there is always more to do. There is a void that needs to be filled and I can’t do it all by myself. So, let me know if you think you would be a good fit here, where politics meets, philosophopsychofeminadatamixology.

13 Responses

  1. Note that Jane has Horses Mouth on her blogroll. That’s the part of TPM that is like bottom of page 24 on a dead tree newspaper, and where all Hillary friendly pieces go.

    To not link TPM, but link Horses Mouth: that’s delicious.

  2. Go Jane and Christy! Scarecrow is a brilliant writer. In fact, just about everyone on her site is top notch.

  3. What about TomP, who used to advocate for John Edwards? He seemed very reasonable, unless I missed some of his posts. Did he ever endorse anyone else?

    After I heard the news on MSNBC about Mr. Lewis switching his superdelegate vote from Hillary to Obama, they also announced that the two candidates had been sending money to the delegates. It seems as though Obama had sent somewhere in the neighborhood of $600,000.00 and HRC had sent in the neighborhood of $200,000.00; they said they send them via pac money. Would you want to bet that everyone starts pivoting in the opposite direction at Obamaville re the value of the Superdelegates?

    Actually, I really wish Obama’s movement for the first black president (and I feel that is what his movement is about) came just about eight years later, so that we could all heartily embrace him. I have watched those small black children reach out to hug Obama and have noticed that it means much more to them than it does to him. Maybe I should rephrase that; one little girl in particular caught my attention and I thought Obama was too caught up in the whole crowd to notice it. You know that their parents were telling them that this may be the first black president and how great that would be! Yes, I would like to see him, or someone like him, maybe just a bit better, become the first black president because it is time — just not now. So many things need to be done and I, an independent, think that a very partisan Democrat needs to get in there and push back hard in the direction of the constitution and democracy. Now is the wrong time to inject Reagan into the discussion at all and especially by a black man, for Heaven’s sake. I confess, I voted for Reagan and I consider that a mistake after reading and finding out more about the man. Wake up, Obamites!

    I love this new blog and look forward to learning more and more about the politics of the day. I believe I mentioned that I have replaced DK with this first-read blog.

  4. txindy: I’m flattered that you’ve chosen to read this blog but please don’t feed the ego. I recommend that you go out there and read as many differing opinions (and factual reporting ) as you can. Too much of one thing tends to lead to an echo chamber effect.
    As for your comments about Obama, I agree with much of what you’re saying but there is one thing about Obama that may prevent me from ever voting for him unless he is the party’s nominee and I have no other choice: His campaign has been surfing the rising tide of misogyny without any protest. He heads to the fainting couch if even an innocuous statement can be twisted to sound racial. But if has condemned any of the MSNBC antics or the mischaracterization of Hillary voters as old, stupid women, I have yet to hear of it. And I am looking.
    He’s taken advantage of a deeply rooted discrimination towards women for his own benefit. The ironic thing is, he can’t win the presidency with the 15% of the population he has captured as his own. But Hillary could win with a broader economic and ethnic constituency AND theoretically capture back half of Obama’s African-American base. Black women could identify with either candidate. So, considering this dynamic, it puzzles me why Obama is spurning the largest segment of the Democratic base in order to court independent white men who are going to vote for McCain. Is he taking us for granted? This is one of the reasons why I will fight so hard for Hillary to win this. We are a HUGE Democratic constituency and we have many sisters in the moderale Republican and independent racks and Obama acts like our lives, our self-esteem, our opinions don’t count. Pundits can make us into ugly old hags working at Walmart and that’s all ticketyboo for Obama. He has never challenged the media stereotype of us while the Clintons have worked all of their lives to correct racial injustice and have been roundly dissed for it.
    He’s got a lot of amends to make to us before I EVER consider him to be a candidate I can vote for.

  5. I read Larry Johnson’s ‘Fuck Kos’ piece on No Quarter yesterday, which was a RANT response to the responses he got to his post “Barack Obama, Establishment Man”… which was posted at No Quarter and cross-posted at Dkos and MyDD.

    Of course it got a fairer response at MyDD then Orangebama. Larry is a hoot! I thought it was a good article, tough & provocative. He got accused of race-baiting by a few people and while I understood why, those comments struck me more as Obamabot-baiting. And they fell for it hook, line & sinker… LOL…

  6. Yeah, well, I understand the point that Johnson was trying to make: Republicans who are infatuated with Obama now haven’t heard all of the things that the operatives are going to throw at Obama, whether they are true or not. It’s not that his Kenyan relatives are important or that he might be a Muslim(not that there’s anything wrong with that). No, the problem is that the GOP is very good with perception management. It’s going to get ugly after the nomination no matter who the nominee is but there’s a lot of stuff that’s going to come out about Obama, real or manufactured, that is just going to make him look like Idi Amin to Republicans. I’m sure Larry has more issues with Obama’s manufactured progressive credentials than who is relatives are or whether or not he’s Christian. But the young, stupid hooligans at Kos probably can’t tell the difference. In the past, people who disagreed with Johnson’s POV would just ignore his diary or post a pithy comment. Now, people like Johnson have to confess that they were trying to inflame the delicate sensibilities of the Obamaphiles whether that was the intent or not. It’s like a loyalty oath. If you want to post there, you have to promise to not make the obamaphiles uncomfortable or challenge their worldview. And once that is the DKos modus operandi, it ceases to fuffill its orginal intent: to get Democrats elected. Now it has become, “Get OBAMA elected”

  7. Exactly! That’s some koolaid they’re drinkin’ if they “forgot” what teh republican attack machine does to anyone who stands in their way. What cracked me up was Larry’s way of getting that message across. Guaranteed to trigger Obamabots into frothing.

    NOTE: I differentiate between Obama supporters and Obamabots, and sue both those terms depending on who I’m talking about. The former comment in a reasonable and tolerant fashion in favor of their candidate and you can have a dialogue with them, which is great. Then there are the Obamabots, who are hostile to all things non-Obama, are reactive/defensive andonly know how to spout the talking points.

  8. I actually thought Larry Johnson’s piece was a bit over the line, although I understand the frustration that lies underneath it. Well, actually, I think it must have been deliberately over the line, since he wrote it in a forum where he had to know he’d get flamed, and why.

    Over at DKos, where I find myself getting drawn into candidate arguments MORE rather than less (there often seems to be no one else around who isn’t a confirmed Obaman), the Johnson piece was regarded as just short of a John Birch pamphlet.

    I haven’t read the “F*** Kos” piece yet.

    This is all so depressing. How can these people really regard Clinton as the daughter of Satan? I mean, fine, you prefer Obama, I don’t, but that’s life. But this degree of animosity, the way they turn on writers and columnists and colleagues the moment they don’t toe the anti-Hillary line…it’s scary.

  9. Oh, I didn’t realize that the “F*** Obama” piece was the one I’d already read, just posted elsewhere.

    It’s been a long week.


  10. The thing that really frosts me about that dialog box is that there’s only one option. Check or don’t post. It’s like one of those corporate “I have read and understand” statements you’ve got to sign if your boss is disciplining you.

    Except in the cubes, you at least have the option of quitting. What Kos ought to have is a second box saying, “Cancel my account.” But, for whatever reason, Kos has the same business model as the Hotel California: You can check in any time you like, but you can never leave. He doesn ‘t let you cancel your account.

  11. In a previous life, I had one of those letters presented to me by the new bully boss of my department who got rid of half of his staff before he turned his flaming eye on me. I refused to sign it. For one thing, it was full ot lies and I wasn’t going to admit to doing things that I didn’t do. He put a lot of pressure on me there in that office, just him and me, a battle of wits and nerve. But I didn’t give in. I walked out of that office clearly shaken but more determined than ever to never give in to intimidation. It was my best moment.
    While I hashed it out with HR (save every scrap of correspondence, people. It’s your best defense), I circulated my CV, prepared my interview presentation, bought a nice new suit, snagged a gig at another company down the road, did my bit, got a new job with a 20% salary increase and full recognition as a PhD level scientist, (without the PhD) and made my old place of employment practically apologize to me during the exit interview.
    I’ve never been back to the old place. Never. When I leave somewhere, I never look back. It’s in my past. I look forward always.
    That’s not to say that I don’t go back to DailyKos to do searches or drop into a Clintonista’s diary or maybe read the frontpage. But in my mind, I’ve made the transition away from DailyKos to something new. I’m not restricted to one diary a day and I don’t have to worry about the “thought police” monitoring and willfully misinterpreting what I have to say. I am content and confident that I can handle this new gig.
    And as I mentioned earlier tonight, the easiest way to get over the DailyKos addiction is to get yourself banned. It’s the interactivity of the place that keeps people hooked. If you post a diary called, “Obamaphiles adopt Scientology recruitment tactics”, the whole detox process will be over in about 30 minutes. Then, you can use your mind in other ways. Highly recommended.

  12. Nice post RD, but if I may inject a little political analysis into the Obamaniac-bashing… 😉

    You wrote That’s when he thought Clinton was his biggest threat. If he had more clearly seen the threat from his right, all of these accusations would have been hurled at Obama, with slight variations, and it would have been a lot more accurate.

    Edward’s real challenge wasn’t Obama, or Clinton, it was the media — and Edwards did not understand the dynamic that was at work. Clinton wasn’t going anywhere, and the media had to have an anti-Clinton… and it had chosen Obama. Obama was charismatic, “white-friendly”, and he gave the pundits lots to write about — not only would the Democratic primaries be about gender, they’d also be about race!

    For Edwards to have survived, he needed to knock Obama down in Iowa, and let Hillary crush Obama in NH…and then double-team him in Nevada. That would have made Edwards the default “anti-Hillary”, and he could have gone on from there…

  13. Add Americablog, too.

    They had a post about mean Hill belly-aching ’bout Obama ducking debates.

    I posted two little words and was immediately banned: Quack, quack.

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