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The biggest threat to the American public

After the Trayvon Martin tragedy and the Sandra Fluke/Slutgate latest escalation in the 4 year war on women (that was started by the Democrats, ironically enough), I have determined that the biggest threat to the United States of America and the majority of people who live here is white men.

24 Responses

  1. In the library today where there is a construction crew on the roof drilling and hammering and walking all over it with what sounds like heavy, lead toed work boots.
    What I really want for Christmas is a pair of noise cancelling headphones.

  2. No doubt about it. They are the template for normality under patriarchy..

  3. Well . . . that’s bound to draw some comments.

    Mr. Zimmerman is hispanic, by the way. Though he may well be “white identified”.

  4. Stupid white men! *looks in mirror* Aw, crap…

  5. I resemble that remark. :mrgreen:

  6. SWMs are enabled by females like those who called into the Rush Limbaugh show to agree with his assessment of Sandra Fluke.

    Speaking of the bloated pig, he is offering engraved I-whatevers as prizes to people that follow him on twitter. All they have to do is agree that this latest round of condemnation is the work of Democratic party operatives.

    Oh and BTW, all the FM stations in my area are off the car radio presets until their AM affiliates drop Rush. Same for the junk radio at work, it’s tuned to the one station that is not Clear Channel or Cumulus Radio the two companies that air Rush on their AM stations.

    • Females think they have to suck up to men in order to gain any degree of power and status. I think we are just going to have to knock you guys off of the top of the pyramid. Nothing personal or anything.

      • Lysistrata has already shown you how to do that. 😈

      • the sooner the better. 🙂

      • Top of what pyramid?

        I get to lift bulldozer parts for 8 hrs a day.

        Also, what elliesmom said below.

        • Every white man has an advantage over women or any person of color.
          And there’s nothing wrong with lifting bulldozer parts if you like it and it pays well. You’re profession doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with your quality of thought. I spent a summer painting oil tanks on the second shift. It didn’t make me into Roseanne Barr.

  7. Why are you giving men of color a pass? Last I checked they haven’t done anything to improve the status of women either.

    • In this case, I am referring not only to females but young black men. Both groups rank below white men. I include Obama in the white men category, as was George Zimmerman, who is only part Hispanic.

      Think bankers, most politicians, rush Limbaugh…

      Time to topple them. I’ve had enough. Haven’t you?

      • Regarding Obama, I read once about a Brazilian saying which supposedly goes . . . “money whitens”.

        Perhaps one could refer to gentlemen such as Obama, Herman Kain, and so forth as “avocados”. Black on the outside, green on the inside. The green stands for money.

  8. ITA – men of color are even worse as a whole – and don’t let’s get started on Islamic fundamentalists.

    Generalities are dangerous, of course. Women bear most of the responsibility for raising said men. We still dress them in blue and our girls in pink and wait on the men but expect Sally to help in the kitchen. Trust me – this is still the norm regardless of what readers here practice.

  9. I may well be “white”, but as a bi-weekly wage pharmacy technician I am already fairly far down the pyramid. If someone thinks their advancement requires throwing me even farther down, I will fight back every way I know how, without any personal rancor of course. Would it be wise to mistake my face for a stepping stone? Hopefully attention will be focused higher up the class and status pyramid.

    • In other words, shall we make “walking while black” just as legal as “walking while white”; or shall we make “walking while white” just as illegal as “walking while black”? With the unstated sliding scale of money granting a “legal walking while rich” indulgence, depending on how rich one is?

  10. Something I web-get that I was reading earlier today ( the National Memo by Joe Conason and other people) made me think about different threats to parts of ourself over different sectors of our total existence. In the personal freedom and equal-treatment/equal dignity sector of existence, white males for genderacial hierarchy are a threat to white non-males and nonwhites of all genders.

    In the economic survival and freedom-from-parasitism/predation side of life, rich people of all genderaces are a deadly threat and an evil menace to nonrich people of all genderaces.

    What did I read that made me think about that? A little article about former Nebraska Senator Bob Kerrey wanting to return to Nebraska and run for Senate all over again. He is running on “bipartisanship” as a “problem-solving principle”. He referrenced
    Alice Rivlin and her “good ideas” about “saving medicare”. Alice Rivlin is a femal-bodied multimillionaire and member of numerous O (fuck Microshitsplorer in advance. Its screen-blocking is going to cause me many mispellings here_. . . . Anyway, Alice Rivlin is the female bodied multimillionaire who serves on many think tanks and who wants to privatise and voucherise medicare in a stealth-version of what Congressman Ryan also wants. She also wants to stealth-destroy Social Security over time in order to privatise and profitise the wreckage. She is a deadly threat and an evil menace to my medical survival future. If you base your future on having medicare, does an evil conspirator who wants to take your medicare away and is in a postion to do so in concert with the Vast Upper Class Conspiracy pose less of a threat to your future than a $34,000/ year white male working in a warehouse? Its a free country and you are free to think that Alice Rivlin is less of a threat to your future than Mr. Mike up above, for example, is. But if your threat-analysis turns out to be flawed, you will get no second chances for a threat-analysis/threat response do-over . . . as the Upper Class Conspirators against Humanity works to plunge America into a collapse-of-the-Soviet-Union scenario in order to Yeltsinize the wreckage. (And if anyone thinks I have taken my eyes off of the menace posed by Dog Shit Obama, the Fresh Prince of Wall Street, no . . . I have not taken my eyes off of Dog Shit Obama, the Fresh Prince of Wall Street. In a threat-rich environment, it doesn’t pay to take one’s eyes off of any threat.)

  11. With a name like Zimmerman…

    Spike Lee has apologized to a Florida couple who say they were forced to leave their home when a Twitter posting that the director helped spread…

    Lee tweeted late Wednesday: “I Deeply Apologize To The McClain Family For Retweeting Their Address. It Was A Mistake. Please Leave The McClain’s In Peace.”

    [Blood thirsty lynch mob awaiting new address.]

  12. Just a thought on the Trayvon Martin shooting, the print and broadcast media presenting the “facts” about this case are the same that told you we had to invade Iraq because Saddam was going to nuke the East Coast.

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